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Soranz commented at 2017-11-05 12:09:02 » #2181331

All of these supposed "Fans" forgetting that Goten got Super Saiyan from training with CHI-CHI (Goku was Dead). Plus, Gotanks Got SS3 just from watching it ONCE.

"But it was the Super Saiyan Jizz that make them born with it!!"
- Fantoys

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-05 12:43:21 » #2181337

Her hair is four times the size her head.

This isn't the first time that's happened (the episode following Goku's first transformation instantly coming to mind) but this might be a new record.

Well said, Anon 10. It's less the strength discrepancies- not much to say about that, what's done is done- than warming us up to the new monkey-vegetables, and when the story demands they march up the golden ladder post haste after the Z-era treated most of that climb as a series of personal milestones, it actively gives us LESS to go on.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-05 19:03:21 » #2181415

When did this place turn into /r/dbz or Kanzenshuu? I come to this place to get away from all your dumbass bickering, fanboying and whining about "haters" and "salt"...

Is no place safe from this bullshit?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-05 19:27:04 » #2181422

*Anon 12*

Then ignore it. Believe me, I do.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-05 19:52:26 » #2181429

Nobody gonna comment on the jiggle?

Hell I noticed it when watching the episode!

3 Points Flag
Hunter3 commented at 2017-11-05 22:10:46 » #2181459

Please, hit me.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-05 23:59:24 » #2181478

The series is trying. I think it really is. I just don't think its easy to give it the green light for a lot of fans because Dragon Ball is a special kind of series to a lot of shonen viewers past about twenty or so years old. For all its flaws, Dragon Ball and Z were unarguably iconic for the genre. Super can never live up to that, and even when it does things right, it'll still feel kind of wrong. Super is that cheeky stepdad who isn't trying to replace your father but... doesn't want to be judged by being better or worse than him. Hard shoes to fill, hard role to play.

Sometimes, it tries too hard. Sometimes, not hard enough. It introduces new ideas, changes old ones... and we always just sort of tilt our head, constantly examining it and basing it on what we've already come to expect. Worse than that, in the time between our old dad and new dad, we've had some of mom's boyfriends swoop in, and some have been really cool... while others we're glad to see gone.

Some even keep popping up around us, still trying to steal our mom's hearts (Looking at you Boku No Hero Academia).

So... with Caulifla and Kale, I think its really difficult to accept that even introducing female saiyajins actively in the series was gonna be a rough ride. And in a really rocky social climate, which does it no favors because its easy to say its pandering. They've got that Mary Sue vibe, and don't feel as if they've been through any real trials to get what we think is top tier rewards. But the series has a shelf life, and they're trying to give those characters a full experience. They don't want to spend whole episodes going the Naruto route with filler and exposition of each hurdle, but if they don't catch up, why even introduce them at all?

These girls as characters feel shallow, but in the same light, I see a lot of promise we'll probably only appreciate when the series is done and the hate/hype kind of fades and we've all grown up a bit more past the glitz of it being new to us. No excuses for asspulls. No hatred for shortcomings. I'm just saying that both girls and various other characters are on a tight rope, and telling them to walk slower won't get them across, and asking them to do flips might be asking too much.

I actually like this whole encounter so far more than the match against Jiren prior, style-wise, and I'm really hoping for a villain to rise out of the shadows (Freiza again???) that racks up a body count that doesn't leave us dealing with time travel or alternate universes.

And yes... I'd happily fuck Caulifla in her tight little roughneck ass. Kale can get some, too. I'm a giver.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-06 00:08:33 » #2181479

jfc who cares, DB franchise have always been mediocre

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-06 11:49:25 » #2181583

Shame Goku stopped him. I was looking forward to seeing Frieza give her a good thrashing.


Definitely be feeling the 'back tingles' after that. ;)

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-06 16:29:31 » #2181686

SSJ is old news and has been for years. Goten and Trunks proved this in Z. The fusion dance was introduced as a ploy for these same two saiyajins to skip years of training to match up to their elders, and later magnified by them achieving the newly introduced SSJ3 before it ever defeated a single opponent in any meaningful way. In fact, SSJ3 has never actually been used to defeat any canon enemy to the point of conclusion within the entire series. It has never really been anything more than flashy and exhausting as a form. The potara earings fusion, while amazing, proved its permanence false within the same battle it was introduced in, and again, was never used to beat any opponent to the point of a solid conclusion. All flash, no substance, worthy of nothing but speculations and what-ifs.

SSJ God was introduced, then ran down mid-fight and was shown to be capable of still being met by some degree by a SSJ1 against Beerus. While neither form was any real match for the God of D at that time, neither did either form do much more than the other in any long-lasting way. The entire engagement was just about showing Goku's ability to surpass his limits. This has been the staple of Super since its inception, not giving forms more meaning than the characters themselves.

When Trunks was able to show his ability to keep up with SSJ3 Goku, this was proven again. The entire battle with Zamasu emboldens this, in multiple ways, and never does anything but show that some enemies don't give any fucks about forms or raw power. This is hammered home to us all throughout. Admittedly, the Genki-Dama sword was some next-level bull... but nothing is perfect, and like the Mufaba, was simply there to show us that technique and willpower are more important than brute power and training when everything is on the line. It was very poorly shown to us, yes, but shown.

Caulifla and Kale's trespasses on story and character development are required to get them to a point where they're even worth having on screen. I would much rather see this fight than waste a single episode of Goku just toying with them so we can wank off his character even more. I would also rather watch the Toppo vs. Vegeta fight, but hey, whatever. The animation is great now, the music is on-point, the dialogue is... improving... and the tension at least feels better than say Vegeta vs. Ribrianne. I hope Gohan and Piccolo get some juicy screen time now, in a way that matters, but if not, at least these two new saiyajin chavs held my visual interest. Truth is, Jiren is a thousand times worse, in almost all areas, but he's not a saiyajin and has the edgy too-cool-for-school vibe, so he gets a pass with just a few lines of, "He's strong enough to be a god". And I like Jiren, too. This series hasn't done anything that is somehow out of sync with Dragon Ball as a whole - not in part, as a whole. SSJ Blue has some of the worst offenses to date, and again, has yet to beat a single enemy to substantial conclusion. Not one. Not even with a Kaioken layered over it.

Does this mean Super sucks? I dunno. Maybe I just don't give a shit and don't see how any of it matters on a grand scale. Its entertainment, and I'm entertained. Not everything has to be the Mona Lisa, and as far as Caulifla goes, yep... I'd smash.

1 Points Flag