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Anonymous commented at 2017-11-06 22:59:21 » #2181784

People really writing essays about Dragon Ball?

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-07 13:48:45 » #2181933

^Welcome to the Dragon Ball, where the fans have to give a 100x more fucks then the creators.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-07 15:00:48 » #2181959

You could say that pretty much about every fandom though.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-08 05:29:34 » #2182120

Autistic essay incoming-
Honestly I don't see the huge problem with Caulifla that others do. I think too many people are caught up with the blonde hair to think about anything else, particularly with how they're protecting Goku.

Yes Caulifla turned SSJ2 rather quickly, we also learned rather quickly as well that even against Goku in his base form, she's not much of a match. Even now it takes the help of a "Berserk SSJ" just to match up to Goku at less than 100%. Even in a 2-on-1 situation, Goku is still too smart and strong, and they were forced to fuse. Besides, the only reason she IS getting better is because Goku is the one teaching her, which is kinda cool imo.

Besides, the idea that she's just "suddenly too strong" is a bit ridiculous. Before the actual fighting started, we got an episode where Cabba was in charge of looking for more people to help fight in the tournament for Universe 6. He went to his old Captain of their "Saiyan Elite Squad", Renso. You'd imagine the dude had to be pretty damn good, but even he backs down and recommends his "punk sister", Caulifla instead, not just because he's retired but because she's even better than him.

From that moment we're supposed to understand that at least as far as Saiyans of U6 go, she's one of the best. And remember back when we were FIRST introduced to saiyans? We were told their power levels are measured from birth and usually gives you a pretty accurate idea as to how strong they can become.

So it's not like they just tossed this on us. They DID build her up and while I agree, some more time would have been great, it's not like Caulifla alone is suddenly giving Goku in SSJB a run for his money or anything, not like say...Jiren who everyone is totally cool with? I guess because he's more of an obstacle and less of an actual character? Dragon Ball fans are weird.

She, like Kale and Cabba, and kinda like Trunks before them, are being built up to keep up with the average level of the Z Fighters so they can show up and do cool shit with the cast down the line. Not because they're gonna win, not because they're stronger than Vegeta or Goku, but so they can fight alongside them in future arcs and movies and keep up.

so yeah idk, get over it guys. it's just a gif of her jumping ffs

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-08 13:25:22 » #2182200

In my experience, most people find Jiren an overpowered lump of blandness. Or a poor man's Hit.

He's there just to give the 'Ultra Instinct' a showcase.

Personally, I would have preferred it if they had just given the U6 Saiyans a pseudo SSJ4 type transformation instead.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-09 20:59:11 » #2182550

Let's put it like this, what does Caulifla have going for her, as a character, besides dime-a-dozen SSJ forms and tits? Nothing really. Having her go though all the forms so quickly doesn't make her feel special, just makes the writing feel cheap. She has no trademark attacks, special skills, or unique forms. Kale at least has her Berserk SSJ.

To be blunt, she's almost bad as Goten and Pan. And with the way things are going, maybe worse, because Universe 6 isn't likely to survive and it's unknown if non-U7 characters are going to return after this arc.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-15 22:49:45 » #2184100

I complain about her because I don't like her character, tho.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-25 09:50:59 » #2186952

I think there is legitimate criticism with Kale and Caulifla when it comes to the pacing of their growth. They easily could have been introduced 20-40 episodes earlier and their rise would not have seen like such a gigantic asspull.

Still though, I really love the characters, and I love how they have built up the relationship among them, especially between Kale and Caulifla. I think their arc when it comes to the ToP could have been better written, but I digress.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2017-11-25 10:20:21 » #2186955

DBS is just milked Fanservice for the fans of the franchise, why would you expect any sort of writting quality in it? lol

3 Points Flag