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Anonymous commented at 2010-09-29 14:33:24 » #454478

This is a destroyed, deformed version some sick fuck made my modifying the original.
Apparently the artist stopped doing more art due to this heavy act of crap.

42 Points Flag
Hand_of_Fayt commented at 2010-10-10 17:53:50 » #467673

Aww...That's horrible.
How could you be mean to such a cute, innocent Yukkuri? She was adorable, happy, and (a little too) trusting. Just one look into her eyes and I could never harm a hair on her head.

(Yeah, yeah...I'm a big 'ol softy who's a sucker for cute, adorable things.)

34 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-10-24 09:52:21 » #482961

I can't agree with you more, Hand_of_Fayt.
Whoever edited this must have very small dick to compensate.

30 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-05 19:42:54 » #571127

Yukkuri abusers are pathetic losers for doing this.

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-12-08 14:10:49 » #946149

I think you guys are putting a little too much emotion on something that's just a drawn thing. Maybe these images are meant to kind of root you a bit into reality~ this image, much like the original are interchangeable. Neither happened. Neither should carry this much emotional weight. Before you downrank me to oblivion, just realize that you're letting emotion go over common sense. What I'm saying should be a "duuuuh" kind of comment, but it doesn't seem like it is to some of you.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-29 17:02:11 » #1150164

#946149 Cool story bro.

16 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-08-29 17:02:39 » #1150165

#946149 Apparently art theft (as this is what it is) is cool by your standarts.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2014-03-29 14:24:00 » #1511056

#946149's Comment In A Nutshell:

"You guys care too much about right and wrong. Stealing someone else's artwork and editing it so the cute protagonist gets tortured and killed is totally fine. Before you rightly downrank my idiotic spewings, maybe you should take this as a lesson in why you should be amoral and apathetic like a good little modern sheeple."

13 Points Flag
Idonenticsonc commented at 2015-08-24 14:40:54 » #1801239

It's a drawing. You ever heard of parodies? Yeah, well, this is one. "Oh no, this is not my kind of humour! You immoral, sick fucks!" Grow up. I'm sure you've seen worse on this site.
Looking at anon's reasonable comment, I'm going to get downvoted into oblivion too. Please explain to me why violence within a drawing is bad, and also explain why parodies should count as stealing art. Also keep in mind that consumption of violent media does not make you any more violent!

1 Points Flag