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E-Mariachi commented at 2018-02-12 17:46:18 » #2211317

This is so hot!

3 Points Flag
DaruqeForgotPassword commented at 2018-02-25 23:22:26 » #2215270

Oh there IS a Rebuild of Eva tag. *blocks*

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-02-26 06:36:16 » #2215356

Eva rebuilds suck major dick

7 Points Flag
Suzuki9212 commented at 2018-03-25 22:47:45 » #2223562

so... just to clarify why rebuild even exists.

originally the author was going through a lot of problems during the writing of the original manga. thus why there was so much fucked up shit goin on. like shinji fapping to asuka while she was in a coma...

rebuild is the author going back and redoing the series with a clearer mind and without any personal problems influencing his work.

so while you may not like rebuild, know this, its what neon genesis was supposed to be

17 Points Flag
Mr._Jive commented at 2018-12-03 13:47:39 » #2309794


The manga was written by a different person which is why the manga is different and better then the anime.

Anno wrote the anime and the movies. He got mad cause the fans give him push back on the ending of the anime. So he made EOE whit all the mess crap in it just to get back at the fans. He never like the fans or the characters or eva to begin whit. Anno did not give a damn he made shinji do bad things to asuka during the entire movie, he just was being a asshole.

The only reason why rebuild exists cause he want to make money off the series and the fans but still hate both. If he really care then he would not give us the same shit over and over again. He would have been more creative whit the writing and all the characters would be developed better then they are in the movies. As long anno is around eva will never get better, only worse.

12 Points Flag