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Anonymous commented at 2018-02-17 04:21:05 » #2212564

still don't understand why people hate adventure tri but whatever I guess

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-03-05 16:35:30 » #2217588


1 Killed the 02 team
2 Made up some dumb prequel team
3 introduced a new digidestined who is generally stale and boring and made her mostly the main focus instead of who we actually try to celebrate here.
4 Killed Tai for just drama way to late in the show
5 Magnadramon instead of Ophanimon.

That's just a few complaints

5 Points Flag
ryukoriyami commented at 2018-09-11 02:23:32 » #2279507

first of all anon2 Magnadramon was Kairi's Gatomon's original mega form, they didn't kill off the 02 team. they were just defeated. What prequel team are you even talking about, that was the original team. Introducing a new digidestined.... stale would be a good word to use I'll give you that one. As for killing Tai, well I certainly cried, it was for dramatic effect and it definitely worked.
I fucking loved Tri.
The rest of 01 digidestined got their long awaited mega forms, Alphamon showed up (not sure why but I'm bias since that's always been one of my top favorites)
Now I don't know how old you are but these movies were really meant (in my own opinion) for the kids like myself who grew up watching the 01 team as it was still coming out and being at the same age as they were

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2018-10-03 13:01:51 » #2287903

@Anon 2
The "prequel" team was mentioned in Digimon Adventure, the original season, Gennai explains that Apocalymon or something like Apocalymon was coming into the Digital World way before, and there was a group of 5 Chosen Children who were tasked with dealing with it. It's literally in the original series, they didn't just pull that out of their asses.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-11-30 14:20:14 » #2464527

Weak writing. Especially after the third movie. #2212564

Alphamon just seemed to be thrown in there purely for the fight with Omegamon, then did virtually nothing for the remainder of the plot. And coming from X-Evolution I was disappointed by the blandness of the character.
Meiko was more of a plot device then an actual character, who just existed to give Tacihi some token love interest.
The clumsy way the 02 cast was put on a bus, along with the Adventure cast not showing any real concern for their disappearance throughout.
Seraphimon basically just pops in without any real fanfare compared to it's prior forms.
Likewise what happened to Maki? Did she die, or still wandering round the Dark Ocean being saved for some sequel?
No Demon, bar some name drop.

Overall, outside of some mythology fan service. Tri was average at best for me. The highlights were anytime Mimi was on the screen, along with HerculesKabuterimon.

2 Points Flag