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damaramu commented at 2010-11-26 19:49:20 » #521604

What about the fact she has one HUGE eye with two pupils and irises? Could you get past that?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-24 04:13:52 » #665973

Damn...DEM CURVES!!!

Prolly one of the best Amy pics I've come across lately, H or non-H.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-21 18:43:52 » #703572

My Child hood has just been raped...
But it was totally worth it though xD

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-04-27 18:08:28 » #711215

Some people just seem to enjoy saying they hate this or that, mostly to bait others into taking offense or becoming annoyed. It's called the internet, it has trolls.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-06-30 05:31:54 » #791657

People who post spam and really stupid hate, hurtful comments on pornagraphic pictures are just fucking pathetic. Don't listen to someone who has nothing better to do then to make other people they don't even know on the internet feel bad for what kinds of fetish they have. I found the majority of these people happen to be into that sick disgusting shit they call guro. If anything is not a fetish it is that. To me there is nothing sexual or erotic about someone being slaughtered and mutilated to death. I honestly believe those kinds of people are fucking brain damaged and a possible threat to everyone else if they find that murder is erotic. I'm sick of seeing stupid ass people who don't belong on this website post stupid ass comments that drive others away, why the hell won't anybody do something.

2 Points Flag
Xphiz commented at 2012-01-27 02:07:47 » #987469

if you think furry is like zoo, you are probably confused

3 Points Flag
Deathseraph3 commented at 2013-07-28 02:39:12 » #1368425

There is a difference between zoophialia and a furry fetish. Essentially take my furry fetish it's interesting to see this because its different and for other reasons but zoophialia is down right disgusting in my opinion.

1 Points Flag
Panmire commented at 2019-02-03 08:24:29 » #2332092

I can’t stop thinking about Amy Rose, especially this pic, and how she fills me with pure animal lust. Going to be thinking about fucking her hard as my wife sucks me tonight

2 Points Flag