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AstroKite00 commented at 2022-03-02 21:31:47 » #2693000

People like kamoshida are the reason i believe in killing instead of arresting. I mean its cool if you can actually change hearts, but this is reality.

3 Points Flag
Cierne commented at 2022-03-03 02:20:31 » #2693057


You've never met a rape victim in your life.

It can be incredibly traumatizing, totally destroying someones ability to function normally (PTSD and all the other lovely mental illnesses that can manifest as a result).

At least with death it's over quickly and people can begin healing from the loss. For those that end up having their mental health go down the shitter after being raped (or from any other serious trauma), it's terrible seeing someone irreparably damaged and likely not get the help they need (if it's even available in the area), leading to a messy downward spiral.

And that's just from the point of view of those that *knew* the person, it's a whole other hell to experience it yourself.

That said, it should be assumed websites like this are going to have porn of everything that can legally be drawn and shared/sold and I really doubt people are coming here looking to get offended.

11 Points Flag
scabbyonmyknee commented at 2022-03-14 07:52:36 » #2695823

Being able to make people hate a character doesn't mean you're a good writer if child rape is the only way you can think of to do it.

6 Points Flag
lechtom commented at 2022-10-05 18:07:27 » #2754978

First time I’ve been genuinely upset by a game. I was warned about Persona being more on the serious side of things before I started, but man was I genuinely angry when it was revealed what happened. Great for my fucked up horny fantasies tho

1 Points Flag