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Anonymous commented at 2011-04-11 14:44:36 » #690946

People know this

Magneto does not control metal

he controls electromagnetic fields

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-10-31 14:30:12 » #914890

Magneto that swings girders around (pretty much animated cartoon magneto) of course folds .. as long as he's sticking to metal

Magneto 'Prime', who controls THE Electromagnetic force/interaction rapes DBZ-verse

1 Points Flag
Galvatron commented at 2012-02-04 07:23:32 » #994366

Normally, I don't weigh in on these back and forth arguments on who'd win. But this time, I couldn't resist being a fan of both Marvel and DBZ.

A lot of people are stuck on this idea that someone has to inject iron-nitrate in Goku blood. While yes is it true there's need to be a lot of it to put it out, there is in fact iron present in your blood. And has ANYONE read X-Men: Age of Apocolyse #1? Magneto made Bishop pass out by slowing the iron flow in his blood stream. I'd say that ability does give him an edge over Goku. Hard to blast Kamehamehas when you're out cold.

And someone is right, whoever said Magneto manipulates electromagnetic fields not metals. But he also manipulates energy on the electromagnetic spectrum. That would include X-rays, gamma rays, ultra-violet light, radio and light rays. Is it POSSIBLE that any of Goku energy blast come from or in any of those? Again, advantage Magneto.

And lastly, Goku wears weighted clothing. What's is made of? If it isn't lead or some other nonferrous metal, then he's screwed from the word "go". And Magneto is also a brilliant strategist.

I know some people are gonna give me negative votes. And that's fine, but you can't say I didn't present a good argument for Magneto. And just go "Duuuh, Goku's all power and blows up planets." And by the way, name ONE planet he HAS blown up. Anyone? I'd like to think it takes more than just power to win a fight.

4 Points Flag