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Anonymous commented at 2018-12-28 11:18:37 » #2318220

I really don't see Herakles letting this fucker sit on his shoulder, even in his madness consumed state.

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Fabuzer commented at 2019-02-24 17:41:58 » #2340758

Heracles liked Jason and thought of him as a friend since he didn't treat him as a monster like most did. In Fate/Strange Fake, the corrupted version of Archer Heracles threatens to kill his Master if he insults Jason once more.

Jason has his flaws, but he also has his virtues. He's a first-rate leader that managed to create a group of around 50 Greek heroes despite the conflicting personalities and they were loyal to him.

The reason he treats Medea so badly is because he is terrified of her insane devotion to him that led her to murder her own little brother. She was being manipulated by the gods, but Jason didn't know that and so could never bring himself to love her.

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