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Anonymous commented at 2019-06-06 13:37:22 » #2389702

I would ask, "Why the fuck would something like this ever be made?," but then I remember that it's the internet, and I've seen shit that makes this look wholesome and blessed by comparison.

Similarly, it's pointless to ask why people are sexually attracted to Illumise because people have tried to make love to our planet itself before.

5 Points Flag
GonnaSlideItIn commented at 2019-10-30 20:04:07 » #2452468

Good to know that she's useful for SOMETHING.

10 Points Flag
TheWildStrayCat commented at 2019-10-31 07:38:25 » #2452617

Meh, sexier Pokemon to fuck, but you make do with what you got!

9 Points Flag