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Anonymous commented at 2009-05-30 23:57:43 » #57821

How is brushing someone's teeth molesting them?

18 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-05-31 03:11:11 » #57866

now if he does it with his penis, THATS molestation. 'nuff said

17 Points Flag
BlankBoard commented at 2009-06-24 01:47:36 » #67152

who is to say that is not whats behind her, huh!?^^

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-06-27 23:26:44 » #69037

I kinda like this.. not sure why

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-07-07 23:11:30 » #73736

he could be using his cum as toothpaste xD

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-08-17 20:53:21 » #96280

Hey! ^ Thats the first thing I thought. Cum as toothpaste. molestation. lolz

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-04 16:20:17 » #106207

actually it's just a form of snowballing. Molestation is not really in this picture at all

1 Points Flag
Nullname commented at 2013-01-03 13:21:56 » #1238152

Molestation refers to assault in general. It doesn't have to be explicitly sexual, even if it is used in that way most of all due to it being the prevelent term in sex crimes. It's just the act of violating someone in some way. If you wanan get REAL technical, by textbook definition, it is synonymous with the word "annoy," but that's dismissing *all* modern semantics. I think anyone could agree the word is heavier than that.

Anyways, there are obvious context clues here that point out the scenario that she's captured, has been imprisoned for at least a day (depicted by those ragged clothes), and is very unhappy about it. Considering the fact he's probably raped her, I'm sure she feels violated by the mere touch of the man, no less his actions of groooming her like a posession. I'm sure having her teeth brushed emphasizes a lot of disheartening feelings from the thought that she hasn't the simple freedom to even groom herself, and that her captor is doing this in order to keep her in good condition for an extended period of time for his own use.

So, yes. This is humiliating, disturbing assault. It is some level of molestation.

17 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-12 10:19:52 » #1264253

Ya know, it could just be a concerned father who is tired of his daughter not brushing her teeth before bed and descided to make sure she does.

8 Points Flag