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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-08 15:39:54 » #2362023

Elf girls are the best. Continue being your sexy selves, you gorgeous ageless beauties. Of course that does mean they’ll continue being one of the most predator’d on things in existence.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-08 16:32:18 » #2362053

You know, Anon1... I always wondered why that was the case - elves are basically powerful demi-gods/minor deities that make very badass warriors (Especially in Norse and Celtic mythologies). Yet, in most depictions they're just weak, helpless, but beautiful long-eared humans - and that's about it. Highly doubt it'll stay that way forever, though!

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VincentD commented at 2019-04-08 17:41:19 » #2362073

That's probably the exact reason, Anon2, that they ARE in so much porn; in most every depiction, they're better than humans in just about every way, from myth to Tolkien to friggin' D&D. They're also usually condescending fucksticks, so having them fucked stupid all the time is kinda cathartic.

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Anonymous commented at 2019-04-09 13:51:11 » #2362408

But how much porn with the elves get raped show them actually acting like snotty stuck up assholes though? Or how about the female warrior, priestess, officer or princess, do they often get depicted treating people like they’re bloody peasants or abusing their power?

I think it’s more of the fascination with corrupting and defiling the pure or overpowering the strong than putting someone in their place or bringing them down to our level. The point ultimately is that in the end they’re simply just women when you strip them of their armour, clothes and titles and that sex and breeding is the basic instinct that essentially connects them all. It’s kind of basic and been done to death but it works.

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