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Anonymous commented at 2009-06-07 13:47:28 » #60458

Lol, I would do that to a gal...

10 Points Flag
crazypurpleknockoutgas commented at 2010-01-29 00:14:10 » #214631

Can't imagine wanting a girl with ants in her vj LOL

7 Points Flag
trails456 commented at 2010-11-11 21:30:43 » #503305

these is a different this is Scaphism (aka “The Boats”)

How it worked:

1. A captive was stripped naked and chained to a pair of back-to-back narrow rowboats or hollowed out tree trunks.
2. The captive was then left to float on a stagnant pond.
3. He was then force fed copious amounts of milk and honey.
4. The victim would develop serious diarrhea, which would in turn attract insects.
5. The insects would then feed on the victim’s exposed flesh.

Plutarch writes that it took Mithridates 17 days to die by this method of execution.

10 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-23 10:39:22 » #664808


9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-28 21:43:28 » #1059550

T.M.I. trails456 you know.

P.S. What is a keystroke?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-05-07 23:04:15 » #1066095

A miserable little pile of secrets!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-08-08 07:58:05 » #1791248

What even is this? The female version of Antfarm dickhole?

2 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2015-08-08 13:23:55 » #1791358

What is this? A hentai for ants? This JPEG has to be at least… three times bigger than this!

3 Points Flag