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Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 00:53:07 » #2421126

Jesus Christ, this show had NO fucking subtlety. I actually hate how raunchy it was compared to the original. Yeah, the original had quite a bit of fanservice, but NOTHING on THIS level. I liked the original for its charming characters and fun storylines. The sequel was just.... nothing but fap fodder. (I also hate how Momo, a character I rather disliked, became the new female lead, while Lala, the old female lead and a fun character who I loved, was shoved way into the background.)

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-12 05:16:25 » #2421568

This is one of the very few Fanservice animes I actually enjoy BECAUSE it isn't subtle (albeit the fact that I absolutely despise Rito). It never tries to be more than just softcore hentai to get you hard.

Now I have to clarify that I prefer story rich, character driven anime that have a good balance of action, humor and fanservice.
There are some fanservicey animes that are just pure trash because they try to be something they are not. To Loveru is absolutely unapologetic and gives its fans EXACTLY what they are looking for and doesn't try to be artsy, edgy or poetic.

Just raunchy ecchi to balance out your normal anime experience.

14 Points Flag
Mderms commented at 2019-08-12 08:13:38 » #2421616

Its funny that this show somehow had more actual plot and story while having the same amount (if not more) fanservice than hot garbage like Kanokon and Ladies Vs Butlers and still managed to be the better show.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-23 14:28:43 » #2426306

I like how you lot have deluded yourselves into thinking fanservice centric shows have any actual plot at all, or even that the fanservice could even take away from the tiny surface scrap of a story it may have. It is completely fap fodder, that's the point, they aren't going to be creative and everything is an engine for the next sexy scene. Motherfucker complaining about raunchyness unbelievable. Rub one out or read twilight.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-10-21 12:12:34 » #2448915

I didn't know anything about the fanservice besides "there's a lot of it" before I read the manga. I checked it out becuase I heard the basic premise of the story and it sounded interesting. It didn't deliver what I was hoping for, but I still enjoyed what I did get for the most part. Then Darkness came along and ruined it all.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-15 22:38:29 » #2513932

I think the show doesn't try to be more than what it is, which is just ecchi/softcore hentai, which I can respect. It isn't something like Evangelion that tries to hard to be a bunch of things and fails in every single respect. At least To loveru is meant to be fap fodder and does it VERY well.

The girls are very 1 dimensional but I can stomach them just fine.... my biggest gripe with this anime is the main character. Rito is the worst main character of any ecchi anime, I cannot stand him in the least. If they replaced him with a mannequin with a blushed, idiotic and surprised face for all 3 seasons no one would notice the difference. FUck Rito.

3 Points Flag