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Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 10:06:04 » #2421264

Broly is the Captain Kirk of Dragon Ball apparently. The man has a raging hard on for green skinned hotties.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 16:17:00 » #2421367

This is actually a better ship than Goku with all those DC girls. Broly is on good terms with a green girl and is essentially DB’s Hulk, She-Hulk is green and usually up for getting down.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 18:59:38 » #2421414

Anon2 Isn't Goku literally japanese Superman too? It's kinda, y'know, THERE.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 20:25:27 » #2421434

Japanese Superman in terms of backstory maybe. But they operate completely differently.

Supes on top of saving the world has a job with a salary because he’s educated and graduated from school so he’s actually intelligent and capable of outsmarting someone. He helps and saves people so it’s not just about fighting tough opponents that might happen to threaten the world. He has leadership skills and works well with capable people that are qualified enough to save the world without him so it’s not just the waiting for the hero to come down and solve all our problems formula. And he’s also capable of being romantic, considerate and responsible.

Goku is not a bad guy but he’s very, very simple. His challenges are mainly physical. It’s never a question or a test of his morals or integrity because the bad guys he faces are dumb and usually happy enough to settle things with punching matches and dragon balls solve any screw ups.

But sure, they’re pretty much the same.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-11 21:21:58 » #2421450

You described DBS Goku, but forgot that DBZ Goku is literally a "Hero". DBS only made him dumb to match the kids taste in "fun" characters, but he seems to be going back to his old heroic style at the end of ToP and in the Broly movie.
Goku's a male amazon, ina way. He's more focused on fighting strong opponents and living the life freely, so him getting along with someone like wonder woman is more likely than him and someone who is extremely heroic, but even then he still does the right thing.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-12 04:06:05 » #2421555

There’s more to a heroism than just fighting strong opponents, I think Goku was honestly more of a hero as a child where we went from one place to another and inadvertently helped people in need. He actually avoided a fight even though it was easily within his power and interest because of promise he made to a stranger. Now he’s just a fight man who wants a challenge regardless if it’s from a bad guy or not.

Amazons value independence and being strong, disciplined, battle hardened and ready warriors helps maintain that. You know, to make sure an enemy force think twice about invading them or starting trouble that concerns them? They’re not going out in the world picking fights and starting conflicts because they get wet while fighting.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-13 11:22:47 » #2422041

He's still not a villain. He said he enjoys fighting, but doesn't see why innocent lives have to be killed. He just does what he can to get his own fun out of it while still keeping his priorities straight.
Also isn't there a 6 issues comic about amazons attacking the outside world literally just because? To invade it and shit? I read it a few years ago so I can't remember the plot, but it's pretty much the SAME AS Saiyans invading other planets for the shits and giggles.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-08-13 19:01:13 » #2422159

Yeah, many decades of stories with different writers. Comics can go to a lot of weird places, I mean Soviet Superman and gunslinger Batman? But generally and normally the Amazons stay on their island and don’t care about what goes on in the world and a few radical idealist Amazonians don’t speak for the nation as a whole.

Saiyans generally are a warrior race and conquerors though. It’s clear now that there are scientists and people like Gine and Kale who aren’t battle fanatics but even a pacifist half-Saiyan like Gohan can lose it when he gets enough power so the raging fighter thing is definitely a part of their race overall.

Also never said Goku was a bad bloke, it’s just that he’s not like Superman in the sense that Supes is actively seeking to help people and Goku really isn’t. I think he’ll help someone who needs it along the way but he’s not actually trying to make the world a better place. He’s mainly about getting stronger and finding strong people to fight.

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