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Anonymous commented at 2019-12-12 15:46:17 » #2468893

"Oh yeah i love seeing a human's intestines being destroyed and make an obvious bodily shape by the dick" said nobody. Yet it seems like 90% of artists jumped in on this garbage meme to nobody's amusement but a select few "nut cases".

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-12 17:47:37 » #2468946

Relax, these are fictional characters. They can't hurt you.

90 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-14 23:02:12 » #2469695

It's not about personal hurt, it's about making a platform for "freaks" so to say.
Imagine if all the furries paid for foot fetishes intead. Imagine if all the bronies paid for guro. You get it?
If nobody speaks up, the niche fethishfags take over what is "normal, and ruin it for everyone who isn't "one of us" since trends follow the most vocal (and paying even if it alienates lesser fetish extremes). They pay, they should get it. But not on the cost that everyone else starts pandering to them in hopes of a paycheck/donation. This will only hurt the majority.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-14 23:19:53 » #2469700

I got an idea. Blacklist what you don't like and commission more of your "lesser fetish extreme", "more normal" fetishes. Sorry you come to hentai sites looking for realistic handling of fictional anatomy. Go to pornhub. I like hentai for the exact reason that it doesn't need to adhere to the laws of physics.

It's not "hurting" anyone, regardless of how negatively you feel about it. Artists draw what sells, and they draw more of what sells the most.

78 Points Flag
♥♥♥ commented at 2019-12-17 19:25:39 » #2470767

>> #2469936
You're one to talk.

You come in here, of all places, flying off the handle over the artist's choice to draw something they're very likely getting paid to draw. Calling the people who enjoy it "nut cases" and "freaks". Your criticism is far from constructive and even further, likely, from the eyes of the actual artist.

Furthermore, you're speaking for others an awful lot here, saying the majority don't like it. That "nobody" is amused with it. Immediately contradicting yourself by acknowledging that trends follow the most vocal.

Then the moment you're called out on it, you say you're just asking questions. No, you're not. The only question you actually asked was to a scenario you invented to inflate your point. A point, mind you, that's completely moot. You might as well be complaining to the clouds. Go talk to the actual artists.

While you're here, follow my advise and blacklist the stuff you don't like and maybe go to a more "normal" site to whack off to. Like pornhub. Otherwise you'll just keep triggering yourself.

49 Points Flag
Jerl commented at 2019-12-17 23:00:44 » #2470829

Terms of Service said:
By accessing the Gelbooru website ("Site") you accept the following Terms of Service. From that point onwards, Gelbooru will treat your use of the Site as acceptance of the Terms.


You understand that there may be content on the Site that does not appeal to you or you feel is morally wrong.

40 Points Flag
Cypress_Cat commented at 2019-12-17 23:11:49 » #2470838

You know the bitching has gotten out of hand when we have to break out the terms of service.

58 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2019-12-21 09:19:56 » #2472074

the greatest crime known to man: Other people having other opinions that ones own.

"Surely everything that *I* don't like is a minority of crazy freak nut cases" -2468893, after clicking on stuff he doesn't like.

2468893, having a world view that twisted around your own ego sure makes real life hard, does it? Nothing makes sense to you, as what you understand as "logic" doesn't explain anything in the world and also doesn't let you forsee what is going to happen.

11 Points Flag
Oca commented at 2019-12-21 10:52:22 » #2472098

Can't y'all just be horny lmao

26 Points Flag
ghostfight123 commented at 2020-01-19 15:59:16 » #2482902

In other news, Breaking the Quiet, ep3 was released today.

3 Points Flag