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Anonymous commented at 2020-01-07 18:21:41 » #2477957

Juri was pretty much tailor made to own this girl.

8 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-01-08 21:59:43 » #2478400

I wish capcom knew how to make a good story so it could pair juri and chun once and for all, they are perfect for one another

6 Points Flag
MAtgS commented at 2020-01-11 08:43:31 » #2479258

The Chun/Cammy shippers won't approve.

Or the Chun/Morrigan shippers

Or the Chun/Mai shippers

Or the Chun/Player 2 Chun shippers

10 Points Flag
WashiZ commented at 2024-05-27 14:39:40 » #2891416

How'd I miss this one? Juri's addition as a rival for Chun-Li is clearly one of the best things ever done for the Street Fighter series.

Now, to get back to fantasizing about Chun-Li screaming Juri's name as the latter squeezes & dominates her in bed. :3

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