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Anonymous commented at 2009-05-25 11:11:20 » #55570

Dorii and Guraa both have tails so they both are females if you doubt me watch the anime only females have tails

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-05-25 14:25:03 » #55630


Play the game, that's where they explain that they're both boys.

7 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-04 18:37:39 » #106266

hmm, in the anime atleast, im pretty sure both are female

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-02 15:27:30 » #166713

No, children and females have tails. They have also shown a few grown men with tails, leading to the belief that men just hide their tails. Both the game and anime in the original japanese dialog have said they are boys. I have not seen the english dub of the anime, but it would not surprise me if the homophobic english dubbers changed it. They have switched names, genders, orientation and dialog before to 'protect' narrow minded english viewers >_>

5 Points Flag
Drow-chan commented at 2010-12-29 20:29:50 » #563192

Anon4 is right. Young children definitely ALL have tails, there are several boys who are shown with tails. Possibly, adult males either hide, or cut off their tails, as some adults males are confirmed to cut off their ears and hide the place they used to be under rice paper. Dorii and Guraa are male in the videogame, and in the anime as well. It never 'got changed', or anything. The twins were always male and always will be, if you can't accept that and still find them hot, go fap to something else.

4 Points Flag
Drow-chan commented at 2011-03-07 09:48:11 » #645500

Proof for all you people still in denial: "However, in the DVD Q&A segment "The Hows and Whys of Utawarerumono", Hakuoro directly addresses the question of their gender, openly stating that the twins are male and heavily implying that their feminine behavior is a result of their traumatic past."

Go buy the DVDs, watch the Q&A segment. You will find it to be true.

2 Points Flag