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Anonymous commented at 2020-04-24 19:17:02 » #2517805

I guess this slightly less creepy than Roshi perving on women that’s young enough to be his great great granddaughter. But who even ages in this series really? How old is Bulma’s mom, 60? 70?

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XerBlade commented at 2020-04-25 15:54:21 » #2518162

Mai was de-aged by the dragon balls. ...More than this, actually. The artist has taken liberties (and doesn't understand basic human anatomy [or language], but that's beside the point).

Also, Trunks x Mai is actually canon.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-27 19:58:20 » #2519208

Just because she de-aged, doesn’t change the fact that she was born years before Bulma. She was already a grown woman when Bulma was a teen who should have been in school. I honestly wouldn’t mind if it was a time traveling element to it like with Kyle Reese and Sarah Connor. Kyle was born much later but lived and experienced years and met Sarah in the past when she was younger. Time would be relative in that case and it’s not creepy like Twilight where a clearly old person who looks young is creeping on a kid essentially.

It’s also canon that present Trunks became Super Saiyan because it was surprising and funny when future Trunks still had to go through turmoil and suffer loss for it. Canon really doesn’t matter to me when the writing itself is flawed, lazy and inconsistent.

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XerBlade commented at 2020-04-28 11:22:12 » #2519441

"But who even ages in this series really? How old is Bulma’s mom, 60? 70?"

I was responding to that.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2020-04-28 19:34:44 » #2519545

Well in defence of the series, they don’t even really keep track of height, power levels, abilities or even existing characters. So time, age or logic is definitely beyond them.

But Roshi definitely perved on a girl not even in her twenties when he’s centuries old. Love him or not, he’s definitely a sleaze bag.

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