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Anonymous commented at 2020-05-13 19:51:48 » #2526479

It’s kind of a shame recurring villains aren’t very prominent in this or other hero action anime without completely converting them to good alignment. You kinda throw away a fun, well designed or overall great antagonist without exploring all of the potential or possibilities that they might have and need to create more and newer ones to fill the gap. It’d be like killing off Poison Ivy or Mystique and than making replacements constantly. I get that narratively, it makes sense to off some that pose too much danger but it limits the interest you might have for someone when you know for sure that their days are numbered.

It’d be like watching Sentai and there are some crappy monsters you don’t mind getting tossed in the bin. But then there’d a decently designed and cool power set that you just know is a one off. It’s why Boba Fett and Darth Maul have such a huge expansive story outside of what was canonically intended for them

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