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SDW commented at 2010-02-04 13:10:34 » #219481

uhh ok... I'm a little confused... what makes this "yuri" I mean girls are girls they hug, kiss (sometimes), & are just hella feminine mostly... so how does two girls riding on a train with a little one sleeping on one's lap make this "yuri" I mean is there a behind story behind this photo here or something?

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-04 13:21:21 » #219490

if you knew the characters you would understand.

14 Points Flag
yasunorikuroki commented at 2010-07-14 08:28:01 » #364889

it will not be yuri, if we dont look at it with ecchi eyes, these two girls(exclude the sleeping one) just friend, they are good friend(sinyu or nakama) they love vivio verymuch as kazoku, they act as her mother, take care of her, protect her. i think the anime it self is not a porn one, so it wont be yuri, cause yuri is lesbian act(it shows us sexual activity) but not in nanoha

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-27 21:19:33 » #670925

To answer SDW's question,

There is no "non-explicit lesbian romance" tag, so yuri tends to wind up catching that as well. The two characters are strongly implied to be romantically involved, though due to the nature of the series they're from it's never confirmed within the context of the series--though their respective voice actors, and the writers, have said that yes, the two are a couple.

To elucidate: They share a bed, and are both the "mother" of the (adopted) girl who is, in the picture, seated between them; as of ViVid the three of them are also referred to as a single "family".

That^ is most likely why somebody tagged it yuri.

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-03-27 21:23:52 » #670931

Awwwww... LGBT family life is nice

8 Points Flag