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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-09 08:27:56 » #327631

not dought about it there both are vampire's.

10 Points Flag
KostasTheDark commented at 2011-02-01 15:58:11 » #604145

Unfortunately, no, they're just European nobles. I'd love to have my blood sucked by Amy, though...

12 Points Flag
MidbossVyers commented at 2011-05-11 22:13:28 » #730140

No, considering Raphael's finisher and their nocturnality, I'd say they are vampires.

4 Points Flag
KaiserBismarck commented at 2011-08-12 22:26:49 » #845034

They are vampires in an indirect sense. Technically no the are not, yet the are nocturnal and possibly suck blood. What it was was aparantly soul edge evil got in rapheals blood or something as i recall. When amy saved him or something in sc3 -dont know i only played 2 and 4 but i read that- his blood got on her and so she was infected by soul edge too and after that they couldnt go out in the sun. And aparantly suck blood. So Yes they are vampires

8 Points Flag