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lolimasutah commented at 2020-11-27 11:15:20 » #2578065

Charlotte deserves loving, tender sex. Not rape.

Other Ai here needs to be taught a lesson though.

28 Points Flag
Blanketslate commented at 2020-11-27 11:28:17 » #2578066

How does a drawing that cannot breathe, do anything, want anything, be sentient? A drawing deserves nothing but what the artist wants to draw them doing or experiencing. Therefore your argument is moot.

8 Points Flag
lolimasutah commented at 2020-11-27 13:23:05 » #2578091

Lol wow you really got that riled up over what I posted, huh?

Maybe step away from the keyboard for a bit? Seems like you need it considering how upset you are that I dared to have an opinion on how I would prefer a character be treated in art. Like, I'm not even being judgmental of anybody who would like to see that kind of thing, but here you are chastising me about the rules of fiction and whatever.

"My argument is moot"? What am I arguing? I'm just stating an opinion. Which you're free to disagree with, but you decided to try and take a high ground position in a situation that doesn't have one. Like you're an arbiter of fictional loli sex. Which is all pretty depressing on your part.

Maybe instead of sticking your nose up at other people who have certain preferences that you don't, you figure out how to accept differing opinions and don't take everything as an attempt at people trying to get others to believe what they want. Because clearly you seem to think that everybody thinks the way you do and is always looking to argue a point. I can assure you, that's far from the case.

38 Points Flag