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Anonymous commented at 2009-09-16 13:24:48 » #113036

Ok, how do you know it was "forced" or "rape"? I think you're forcing your subjective view-point onto this. Just because you don't like the idea of a guy fucking YOUR ass doesn't mean other guys don't. This just looks like consensual sex between two boys.

8 Points Flag
karthenia commented at 2009-09-16 17:19:35 » #113122

But if you look at the sub's face, he doesn't seem to be enjoying it very much. It looks more to me as if he's simply enduring being fucked. Look at the angle of his eyebrow and the dead quality of his eyes. Does that look like someone who's having a good time?

Besides, the art style's a close match for Tsukumo Gou. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's part of one of the JukeBOX collections. And JukeBOX, in its ten volumes so far, features maybe three boys who aren't forced in some way or another.

I'm going to go make sure this is where I remember it, then update the tags, but if this isn't rape, it is at least forced.

50 Points Flag
karthenia commented at 2009-09-16 17:23:01 » #113127

Yeah, found it- it's part of volume 2. I stand by the initial tags of forced and rape.

13 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-16 18:06:40 » #113147

wow its nice to see that u put some thouth into it

8 Points Flag
karthenia commented at 2009-09-16 23:39:19 » #113298

Much as I love the smut factor, I admit I more admire the art for art's sake, and I've always loved how detailed and realistic the expressions of Tsukumo Gou's work are.

And if you think this is bad, just hope I never have occasion to comment on a piece where I actually know the character(s). ^^

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-17 22:31:18 » #113815

well i think its rape cuz he's crying....

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-09-30 02:48:12 » #121286

maybe you are a just a bunch of women??

as a boy who has sex with boys--- personally speaking our facial expression look like that sometimes. My eyes water if i get fucked hard, my boyfriends eyes water if i fuck him to hard.

on top of that-- havent you people ever been exhausted after sex?? i dont see, "oh now my ass hurts i was just raped i feel so violated".

no what i see there is, "holy shit that was intense, ugghghhh i wanna lay down for a bit. just go ill stand here a while..."

forced possibly, consentual definetly. rape? no fucking way.

5 Points Flag
biibii801 commented at 2009-09-30 03:19:16 » #121303

Outside of context, that could be the case. Judging by karthenia's comments, in context, it's rape. Whatever way you want to think of it.

10 Points Flag
karthenia commented at 2009-10-05 22:08:32 » #125139

Anon4, did you miss the part of my comments where I specifically stated that part of the reason I think it's rape is because of the artist who drew it, who's KNOWN for his noncon/rape images?

And for the record: me=guy who has taken it up the ass. Yeah, it fuckin' hurts. Big whoop. This is art, which is a stylized version of real life. Hence why there are plenty of draws with little boys with dicks the size of their legs shoved up their asses who have facial expressions like they just enjoyed a long, lazy nap.

Just because you personally don't see clear indication of rape doesn't mean that the artist in question didn't intend it to be taken as rape.

20 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-09 00:59:31 » #297080

Let's all just smile, be happy, and fap.

17 Points Flag