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More Like This: (Beta Temporary Feature)

User Comments:

Xalrun commented at 2009-09-16 19:39:49 » #113192

Damnit. Why cant the world be more like this?

25 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-14 15:38:58 » #130619

Would probably be too much work for a rapist to embed them into stone first.
Also its apparently public... ya too many moralfags, i agree with you though, this would be epic.

12 Points Flag
LordVecna commented at 2009-11-10 03:03:18 » #149904

As an answer for your question Xalrun itsbasically because everyone would need to take an STD test just to use it. and it would cost to much money to maintain the girl(s) and to many girls would be apposed to such things going against womens rights and all that.

12 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-11-10 03:08:19 » #149908

Hey, I'm all for it. Only if we get to use guys like that too XD

17 Points Flag
AceMcLace commented at 2009-11-19 09:40:30 » #156916

As a guy, it would be nice to have this (and as its a fantasy that will never happen I can also think of it without having to get into things like stds and ethics) I wouldn't mind offering myself like this either. It would be exciting to have my dick sticking through a wall, never knowing when someone will come up to suck it or put it inside whatever bodily opening they desire. The problem would be to maintain the erection, and offering cum to every "customer".

13 Points Flag
salarta commented at 2009-11-19 09:51:14 » #156919

And then the rebels come to cause bodily harm. You know it would happen.

Graffiti on the other hand...

8 Points Flag
AceMcLace commented at 2009-11-22 10:51:35 » #159153

I let that fall under the same thing as what i said about stds, salarta. Its an impossible fantasy, so although its public use, you will have to go to some sort of establishment to provide/receive this sort of service, and in my head there could be super sexy futanari guards at the door or something. But its true, these sort of things wouldn't work in real life for a huge number of reasons, sadly.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-19 10:24:14 » #180629

Never happen? Nah. That's probably a sketch an artist drew somewhere in China.

... China or Utah.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-07 10:45:17 » #535069

I wouldn't worry about moralfags ruining this idea...
They could be made into the ones trapped in the wall! XD

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-06 00:39:44 » #571502

@ace: to your first post... you wouldnt have to worry about keeping an erection... as long as you had a super tight cockring on... sure you couldnt cum... but at least you'd always be hard and ready for use

2 Points Flag