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Anonymous commented at 2010-01-07 07:06:21 » #195896

i envy this couple.. they get to live together happily ever after.. i'd give anything to find a man that was willing to settle down with me.. though i suppose that is probably asking for too much in my life time.

anyway, all in all, this is a beautiful picture. but i still envy them.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-28 10:05:42 » #238240

I hear you..It seems no man wants to just settle down and start a family anymore these days..

Though your right, it is a beautiful picture.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-05 21:06:44 » #390816

Don't sound so negative. I'm a guy who desperately wants to marry and have kids one day. Some days it's that dream that's all that keeps me going. There are plenty of guys like that out there, you're just looking in the wrong spots. Or perhaps you're looking at the wrong guys.

I hear girls complain just like you are all the time, and it drives me nuts. And you all always make the same mistakes. If you think a guy is a nice guy, date him. If your best friend likes you, and he's a nice guy, don't be like "oh you're a brother to me, so no." Give him a chance, don't be afraid of losing a friend. If you're as good friends as you say you are, then a break up won't stop the friendship. Also, don't go for guys just because you think they're hot. Most hot guys are assholes, and I'm not just saying that from jealousy, it's a fact of life. See, if assholes looked as ugly on the outside as they do on the inside, no girl would date them, and they wouldn't reproduce. It's natural selection, in the most literal, scientific sense. Assholes also don't like to marry, so if you're determined to get one, it'll only end in heartbreak. Never date someone you aren't already friends with and have had a chance to get to know the personality of. Relationships where you aren't friends can work out, but it almost never does in the long run. Even when it gets to marriage, such relationships often end in divorce.

I'm just saying, any girl who says they can't get a guy to marry them annoys the shit out of me. It's not fair for a guy who wants marriage as much as I do to have to listen to girls talk like that. If you're having that much trouble, use eHarmony, there's no shame in it!

Oh, and about the picture, it's adorable, except that the guy has no goddamn face. There are pics on this site with a bride and groom where both have a face, and they're staring into each others eyes, clearly in love, feeling absolute bliss, knowing that they'll finally be together forever. This guy on the other hand clearly has no mouth, nose, or eyes. What the hell. Why do artists always make the girl have a loving look in her eye (which in this picture I think is up for interpretation, she looks indifferent to me) and then make the guy faceless? The few where he does he looks like he doesn't care. There are a few that do pay attention to the guy's expression as well, and those are my favorites. So romantic.

Long comment is long. Sorry for ranting, but comments like Anons 1+2 make me mad.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-05 21:10:04 » #390818

tl;dr nice guy PAY ATTENTION TO ME ramble from a guy who wants to be a breeder in an already over populated world.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-06 22:01:31 » #392070

Shut up Anon4, the guy has a point. And if that's your attitude, then good, let's apply Anon3's natural selection theory and think about this. You think reproduction is bad, and say "breeder" like it's some kind of insult. People like you will die out because you don't reproduce. Natural selection, thank you for saving future generations from idiots like this.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-06 22:12:50 » #392077

It's not my fault that filthy breeders can't stop pumping out babies and slowly destroying the planet. And what, exactly, do you think will happen when nature does hit mankind with a massive famine, brought on by man overworking the land and pushing it to support more people than it could naturally handle?

Oh look, mass starvation and death caused by people not being able to keep it in their pants, assuming that nothing bad could ever happen while pumping out babies without a single thought for the future.

Atleast when I die alone, I won't have any regards about leaving offspring to face a horrible, overpopulated future filled with dust bowls, wars over ever diminishing resources and people crying over the deaths of children.

The future is what's happening in Africa right now, with all its famine and civil wars; get used to it. Or rather, make sure your spawn get used to it, because they'll be living it.

Also, a little protip: natural selection is based on survival of the fittest, not survival of those who pump out more babies.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-08-16 19:21:56 » #403591

Wow. Look at the anon that thinks it has found the source of all the world's problems. It will die alone, and will rely on this site for pleasure all its life, as it looks at pics of weddings, wishing it wasn't such a failure at life and could experience that itself, but knows it won't so it decides to find some excuse to call itself superior to those who are enjoying that which it clearly wants, or it wouldn't be looking at this pic.

Protip: natural selection is based on survival of the fittest, and people with a mentality that reproducing is bad will not spread their genes at all, and therefore will be selected for the Darwin award. Pumping out more babies is actually strongly favored by natural selection.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-11-17 15:38:08 » #1205448

This debate is silly. Yes, there are many people who contribute to pollution and such, however animals and even nature itself contribute to that as well. Bears, coyotes, raccoons and other animals get into our trash cans, possibly knocking it over and spilling the contents everywhere. And nature... well, you've heard of erosion, haven't you? And lastly; humans don't really contribute to the pollution, or to the destruction of habitats. It's our carelessness, mistakes, and judgment errors that do. I'm sorry, I guess I probably come off as hypocritical for adding to this debate, but why don't we just drop it, arguing back and forth doesn't make anybody happy.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-06 22:24:12 » #1335504

Okay, seriously, Anon6, you're WAY too pessimistic about this. If you don't like the idea of having kids, then fine. But your ranting about "breeders" causing war and famine is anything but plausible. Why don't you just go back to arguing with your cats. Or, you could stop flushing your meds down the toilet.

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-06-06 22:52:21 » #1335520

I'm a woman who wouldn't mind marrying, but I absolutely do not want any children at all, and even I think that anon and his bitching about "breeders" is ridiculous.

Are there some people who probably shouldn't be having kids, because they're irresponsible or unable to care for them? Sure.

Is everyone who wants a kid a "filthy breeder"? Absolutely not. It's also untrue that everyone who wants kids wants to be drowning in them. Saying "I want kids someday" doesn't mean "I want a hundred babies and desire to be a single-handed cause of overpopulation". It could mean anything from "I want one kid" to "I'd really like triplets", and everything beyond and in between.

Personally, I DON'T want kids, but I also don't want to die alone. Just me and one partner is all I want, really.

On a more related note, it would be nice if the guy had a face. I get that it's probably meant to be an image for guys to imagine that they're the one marrying the girl, but facial expressions are really important to communication and the overall mood of an image. Also, the positioning of her eyebrows (the way they're angled) makes her look somewhat distressed. Perhaps she's bothered by the fact that her groom lacks a face.

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