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Anonymous commented at 2012-03-07 04:30:47 » #1018012

Lol that 'pimp' stuff gotta stop. Pimps are lame. No, pimps are beyond lame. Bet you couldn't name a real pimp off the top of your head. They're a bunch of nobodies. Who make a living off nobodies because they really don't know how to do shit.

And personal experience (me versus tards) tells me chess doesn't increase your logic at all. Yep, chessboards can be gorgeous but it's all just a sham to waste your time and money with that dated hype. There's a reason chess was even played at all - and it's because they didn't have any real games back then.

And the only bitch in this picture for real is the redhead.

Pfft. Idiots never fail to ruin a decent picture.

2 Points Flag
MidbossVyers commented at 2012-06-12 11:39:11 » #1090984

Wow, Kin is so cute when she smiles.

6 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-16 02:19:50 » #1094027

Gary Oak's got nothing on this badass, hahaha

9 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-02-01 09:56:12 » #1257304

Well as Eddy says... If you can't beat 'em, eat 'em.

3 Points Flag