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kitaikira commented at 2021-06-11 03:41:00 » #2620187

So much is wrong here

59 Points Flag
PuzzlePieces commented at 2021-12-15 05:49:29 » #2672122

Jeez. See I've stumbled into the gay/denial submissive side of this place again. Why is it so hard to find male on futa??

22 Points Flag
DougDimmadome commented at 2021-12-15 07:39:10 » #2672142

Maybe stop being so closed minded, son, and stop projecting your own insecurities on other people

48 Points Flag
Cierne commented at 2021-12-15 08:43:35 » #2672145

Dimmadone already said most of what I wanted to say but better, but I want to add that it's okay to not like something, just don't be a dickhead about it.

20 Points Flag
Submissive_neko_man commented at 2021-12-15 10:26:47 » #2672165

I don't see how liking a futa means you're gay. These people don't exist, you like people that don't exist anyway, or at least they exist but in a VERY small percentage (hermaphrodites are few and far between IRL). And, BTW, being submissive has nothing to do with being gay, with all due respect for gay men. Women can put a strap-on on them (if they wish to do it) and you can let them fuck your ass for good (if you're interested in this kind of thing, of course. Consent before anything), you're still 10000000% biologically a man and the woman with a strap-on is still 10000000% biologically a woman, hence truth is you're both hetero. Also, men's G-Spot is in the anus, so it all would be to your own advantage.

46 Points Flag