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Deko commented at 2009-10-20 16:44:06 » #134420

I agree that a game with this monsters would be great....and I agree that a RPG like pokemon would be much better......this Gifs from mamono girls is a pain in the ass....Im not saying that they are Horrible...its just that it looks like a game woul come out anytime..a mamono RPG game woul be great...Like in a pokemon style like thref said...or maybe a Fighting Game like VANGUARD PRINCESS!!! it woul be perfect..Kenkou Kuroso can make a Mamono Girl Fighting Game using a free program that he can get searching at google...the same program that was used to creat Vanguard Princess and Super Cosplay War Ultra...

tha boos from the fighting game could be a Really Strong Succubus, or Baphomet or even "The fallen God" from the Dark Angel Monsters...

1 Points Flag
Deko commented at 2009-10-20 17:03:50 » #134429

JESUS!!! srry for some mistakes above...oh..and about the size of the pawns and all....I think he makes that, so it would look cute or something like

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-20 17:13:59 » #134434

Ah well, forgive me it seems I completely misunderstood then. I really just don't understand your logic and I definitely wasn't deadset on getting you guys to try them. By my figuring it was, you like monster girls, you like rpgs, then you would like those. Not, I'm selctive as hell and refuse to try anything that's even slightly off from what I imagine. Unless you get your fantasy game made by Americans, in which case it probably wouldn't look so good, your out of luck with censoring. You may be surprised to know that many people actually like censoring, myself included. It just doesn't seem that way because the people who don't like it are always bitching about it. And if you're that selective, unless you make the game yourself, you really aren't ever going to see it.

Yeah, I could've posted a link, I didn't because I never expected anyone to dislike search engines, and the prospect of a monster girl game that's not absolutely perfect so much that they couldn't take the extra 12 seconds to type in four letters and click on the link at the top of the list. Its not my duty to hand things to you on a silver platter. I'm just making a comment that I thought would benefit anyone who likes monster girls, not going to go look up urls.

No, I can't say I know the details on your double emulated environment. I haven't a clue what you're emulating or why, but since you've already made yourself clear that there's no chance you would like either games, why are you tacking it onto your list of excuses to not play them?

If you'd really gone and checked the succubus_quest tag, you would've known that its censored and turn based, so why are you asking?

You wouldn't want the sauce for Erotical Night anyway mate.

1 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-10-20 22:56:13 » #134718

To Deko:

Yes, although Pokemon IS turn Based, there's enough trainers and other events to keep you occupied, at least until you beat the game. Finding, Capturing, & Evolving Every Pokemon though becomes a real choir after a While, Especially if you want them Leveled to 100. The Mamono Girl Game would be Much simpler in that you Don't have to look far or very long to capture all them when your In their areas because they come you & can find the rarer ones by chasing the big baddie Marker like in Zelda2. You also wouldn't have to evolve them cause it's time based; 'evolutions' would take place by certain Items or means, not levels so it makes things easier and fun.

To Your Concern of Fighting Momono Girl game, That was what I meant via Zelda2; It's a Strategic Fighting Game, RPG, and Platform all in One, Awesome Sauce. Adding a few little applicable features here and there and you got Dynamite. Plus, you could set it up so that a certain Colosseum mode is accessible by going to a village where theres a Colosseum, and it can turn into a full fledged Fighting game while your there. Best of Both, and No Turn based.
You could even give them Weapons, Magics, and all that good stuffs too. Seriously, This game is just TOO GOOD to exist.

Also, I could go for an All Female Fighting Game with, Bonuses ;), BUT it would have to be generic or parody characters cause then it would feel awkward to play the real fighting games afterwards. I've seen fighting games like that before, but still I thirst for an RPG type one as well; one that ain't just turn/text based and Images, the one Anon Here is Describing who I will be addressing shortly.

A Straight up Fighting Girl Hentai OVA Exist, Variable Geo Neo.
My Gripe with it though is the Rapage. I can dig the fact that the loser of the match gets Raepd, I just don't like the way they went about it. On a Side not, I DID like the way one scene of Discipline and scene of Marine a GoGo Went about it; that was nice. The Geo Neo one though, Just doesn't cut it. Nice try though, I guess it's something; at least we get to see chicks fight, even if the Unwanted type of Sex scenes that fallow are a signal for, intermission.

Here are my prefs for acceptable terms of Raepage due to fail(Snuff Is NEVER Acceptable):

Girl on Girl, OK!; Guy on Girl OK; Girl on Guy? OK!(As long as there is only one Wang*the guys's* involved, No Thanks if the chicks got a Wang sticking out of her, Strap from Chick? Maybe. . .); Tenti on Girl, Uh, OK; Male Monster with Tenti on Girl, Hmm, Don't know; Female Monster with Tenti on Girl, Maybe but no futa; All Girl on Girl, yeah!; All Girl on one Guy, No cause that bastard probably didn't do a Dam thing to deserve it; 2 or more Guys one Girl, NOO! One type of sausage is more than enough; Now Here's the Curve ball, 2 or more Guys on one Girl but it's the same/one guy, Yes that would be acceptable.

Slight Interruption, You might be asking yourself, now When has there ever been a Hentai that involves 2 or more Guys on one Girl with all the guys being the same/one guy? Night Shift Nurses: Kranke OVA 3. Dream Type Sequence, Still applicable.

What about All Girl on one Guy but it's the same/one Girl? Yeah I guess that works out the same too.
BTW, has happened in a way before with the Ova Angles in the Court. The Possibilities out there.

And Now, for My preferences that I STILL have yet to witness occur, In a Hentai OVA:
Guy on Slimegirl, Yep; Slimegirl on Guy, Now that I'd gotta to see; Slime(Girl) on Girl, IF ONLY; Slimegirl on Slimegirl, Oh Be still My heart. . . Guy on Slimegirl with Slime Tenti, Intrigued; Slimegirl with Slime Tenti on Guy, 0_0. . .; Slime(Girl) with Tenti on Girl, Yeah for the most part; Two Tenti Slimegirls on Each Other, Poetry in Motion with the Rhythm of the Ocean.
I'll leave it to that for now, cause I don't any Hentai In Existence has progressed thus far as of yet to fulfill my other unwritten fants.

NOW back to here:
What you said about teh Big Disproportionate Paws, Yes He does it for the 'Cuteness' Factor, but I'd rather it be Both Hot and Cute and I know He's capable of accomplishing it, but just doesn't want; The 'Cuteness' of the Paws draws attention away from the otherwise Hotness of the Image and That's why This one just doesn't do it for me all the way. So Whatever, if The Description is good enough, maybe that change, but doubtful.

And Now on to you Anon1 of page 3:

No. Complex logic is, Complex.
In My case it's Arbitrary, you wouldn't understand and I wouldn't blame you for it.

Yes, We like Mamono Girls. Yes, 'We' like RPG's; 'We' meant by, Although I enjoy RPG's as much as the Next guy around here, I just don't like text/turn based ones very much at all cause it gets monotonous very easily and a choir to continue later on.

To Your statement:

I'm selctive as hell and refuse to try anything that's even slightly off from what I imagine.

A game could be all I wanted it to be and still Suck. In the case of a Mamono Girl Based Game that we(I) have described on numerous times here, IT could have all of what I described, but if ANY Important portions of it is Censored, It becomes a grave insult and is not even worth mentioning. It Would however most definitely be worth mentioning if it Did have an Uncensored Counterpart. True, I could probably play it censored and be mildly entertained, but the fap value is lost and at around the 20 minute Mark, I'd become uninterested in it and toss it aside.

To This Statement of Yours:

Unless you get your fantasy game made by Americans, in which case it probably wouldn't look so good, your out of luck with censoring.

IF you know the right people, got the right resources, have the supporting fan base, and a little luck on your side, Shiz Can Happen. It's happened before. There are Western Artists, In Fact, Artists In general that Can acquire any Art Style down to the threaded details. IF not, to an acceptable degree. Also, Japanese Artists Visit or Live on the Western Side Too You know.

To This Statement of Yours:

You may be surprised to know that many people actually like censoring, myself included.

Yeah, I know. Those Bastards at 4Kids Ruin Everything.¬_¬
(Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is their Abomination to Mankind, whose only true purpose is to torture one into submission. Thank your lucky stars and hope you never come to see it.)

I get what you mean though. The majority of us here however would rather see Uncensored Content the way it was intended to be. Censored = Lies | Censored = Flaccid. Sure, the ones who 'enjoy' censorship do so because they ignore it and focus on the rest of the image instead. It's like Eating a Ham Sandwich, without the Ham. Sure you can Enjoy a Hamless Ham Sandwich, but you can't help but wonder what is missing. Sorry, but if an Image Screams to us, Ham Sandwich and we go there to find it without the Ham, We are going to take our business elsewhere. You however are free and welcome to enjoy your Hamless Ham Sandwich. Also, I would like to take this moment to thank our Local Kanrabat for adding some 'Ham' to some of the 'Hamless' Images here. With your Work, We can Now Enjoy our Sandwich, with, Meat ;).

To This Statement of Yours:

if you're that selective, unless you make the game yourself, you really aren't ever going to see it.

Maybe not in all it's full Interpretation, but Good enough still works for us to an acceptable extent(2/3 Ain't Bad; 1Point, Uncensored, 2Points, Game was good/decent, -1Point, It wasn't made in Japan). So Far, There have been close calls. Where just waiting to be surprised. Besides, We have already accepted the fact that a game That Great Might not come to exist. When/If it does, we'll shiz bricks. Dreams Have Come true in the past, we just tend to be mature and realistic about it while dropping hints along the way.

Yeah, I could've posted a link, I didn't because I never expected anyone to dislike search engines, and the prospect of a monster girl game that's not absolutely perfect so much that they couldn't take the extra 12 seconds to type in four letters and click on the link at the top of the list. Its not my duty to hand things to you on a silver platter. I'm just making a comment that I thought would benefit anyone who likes monster girls, not going to go look up urls

And to think, In all that time you took posting that, we could had our Cake and been silent about the whole thing already. As it turns out, The Cake, IS a Lie. Least here it is.

I just Don't Like Googy Based Search Engines, I have My reasons for it posted Else Where On This site, Maybe your Googy Can Find it :). Not very nice when it happens to you huh? No Harm done though, Since both those points are irrelevant now.

Nobody Said It was your duty, and Nobody Demanded that you post a link for it; I just thought it would help your case a little better if you were courteous enough to provided sauce for us(Thanks for the Tag Lookup ref though, No I know I'm Not really Interested cause I found out it was Text based.), instead of telling us to go fly our kite and get it ourselves. No Need for rudeness Here, we are a nice group for teh most part; Unlike Lulz or Chan.

Yeah, Here's how it would have gone down:
If I had taken your advice to look up the game, It would take A While to get there, then load, then find any possible dependencies users needed to use the game, and after all that be disappointed cause it wasn't what we had in mind and censored.
Luckily, we got a warning after the fact If we checked the tags to see the preview.

I'm just making comments/discussion for anyone that cares to read them. And a lot of people do. Some people don't know when to stop reading. . . Then complain they wasted their time reading garbage where as to I respond, You didn't have to read all of it you know if you didn't like it. Likewise, I don't have to read into this game if It doesn't relate to my interests.

To This Statement of Yours:

you've already made yourself clear that there's no chance you would like either games, why are you tacking it onto your list of excuses to not play them?

Cause I've already made myself clear that there's no chance I'd like that one game you mentioned :). Recursive, answer is recursive.

To This Statement of Yours:

If you'd really gone and checked the succubus_quest tag, you would've known that its censored and turn based, so why are you asking?

Actually, The Mimic(The only One I Did like From the set, and Have actually known about it without knowing what it really was) was Uncensored; I Did check. But, these are just images and text game based like most other Hentai CG Games.
And, I would have asked if you had mentioned it initially; think about that.

You wouldn't want the sauce for Erotical Night anyway mate.

Relax, It's just the Internetz. Be thankful we are not as cruel as Lulz or Chan.

Thanks Deko, Anon1 of Page3 here, and Eric. Now there is a reason to come back soon since the site was slower last week.

0 Points Flag
EricFong commented at 2009-10-21 00:51:57 » #134788

you know what? Thref, i never gonna finish all your comment.:/

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-21 04:17:30 » #134858

That's what I was thinking ಠ_ಠ

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-21 06:33:02 » #134900

Thref, as long as you keep writing essays I'm going to downvote you. Not because of the content but because they stretch (and spam up) the comments page.

2 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2009-10-21 08:15:29 » #134925

To the Spiteful Anon:

Someones Hurt, How Sad. Another Foe I have met.
Report me then, If it will make you feel better.
Down Vote My comments, cause you know I'm Right.
We'll let you have your way in that regard here cause we know you need it.

This Behavior of yours is immature.
We don't take very kindly to immaturity around here; unless it's in a humorous non distractive context.
Hope that you don't catch Board Leader in a somewhat bad mood; He doesn't like it when users abuse features or create vendettas against registered users.

I'm only letting you know this for two reasons:

1. I'm bored.
2. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Unless you accept the fact that the internetz can be cruel at times, your gonna have a bad time on it; Unless your Lulz, at which Case, I'll gladly direct you to where you would feel more at home with peers of your caliber.

Here you go:

Unlike you, I am at least courteous enough to provide sauce If I have it.

I find it ironic that users make themselves mad over someone else's postings and go out of their way to spite them. In your case, in all the effort it took you to spite me(and you still are apparently in other places on this board), we would have had our sauces and your feelings wouldn't have gotten hurt. But instead, you take another trip. Some users Enjoy getting their feelings hurt, Which is why I figured you'd probably feel more at home there on lulz.

You don't have to go there though, and you don't have to read this. You don't have to get yourself mad. You can stop at anytime you know, nobody is forcing you to read this. BUT, Immature Drama Tactics like intentional down voting and false reporting makes things hard for everyone. Writing/Debating however is entertaining for all, As long as etiquette is fallowed.

I know I suck at Niceness when it comes to users that are immature and naive. But be thankful I'm not lulz. They will cus, post revolting Images, dis you and won't get banned for doing it.

Ah, but it appears we have gotten quite off topic with this.
Why don't you create an Account here and we can discuss this matter in private through PM. If you still don't want to, we'd Understand :).

Time to End this useless discussion and focus on the Images at hand.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-21 15:41:02 » #135080

Uh Thref, that wasn't the anon you've been talking to... You've been talking to me... And I'm the one who made the "That's what I was thinking ಠ_ಠ" comment.

And I haven't been trying to spite you. This is the only place I've talked to you.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-10-21 18:28:00 » #135188

To the Applicable Anon('s'):

I mean, This Should go without saying and should apply to anyone but I feel for your case I must state it.

If It wasn't intended for you or any general audience to respond too, then don't respond back. This posting is for the who it applies to; if you feel that every post made is made at you personally, then thats on you. No one elses fault if your feelings get hurt at this point.
AS In, A and B conversation so C your way out of it.
The fact that you responded only reinforces the implication that you are the same Anon. THAT, and you formally stated that you intend to down vote Threfs comments purposely.
This will not go well with lozertuser when he finds out I'd Imagine.

We understand your still 'hurting', lets hope lozertuser takes pity on you, cause I know I do.

0 Points Flag