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Anonymous commented at 2011-10-16 13:48:50 » #903035

You fools let me translate for you.

This is alucard the king of the vampires the dog is his " other " side his " animal " side many priest have to to kill him but no one can kill him. The part on the bottom is "blood is life and its gonna be mine forlever ( i think they mean forever ) and to the right " The larst preist ho trie to harm the king " and to the left " only a virgen can be alive and only they can kill him "

2 Points Flag
liberty86 commented at 2012-03-20 14:11:08 » #1028716

"But Alucard aglitskogo resting-bloodsucker
right hand to the dog rooted.
From squeaked shmalaet infidels
Andreikin son beats prelovko
Integra produces food for the girl.
you will have to update Intngra
yes to a cigarette ruble "

This is the google translate version and it is a really old vesion of russian that as fare as i know isn't used anymore so credit to the other for using it properly.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-04-29 10:13:17 » #1059941

Actually, rossignoll's version is the most correct here. Good job!

Since it is stylized to be old russian rhymes, no wonder Google-translate is almost useless here.

There are also other pictures, drawn in the same style, and, most probably, by the same artist, concerning Terminator, Harry Potter, Spiderman, Neo and Frodo and Gorlum from the LoTR.

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