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Nyeh commented at 2009-12-06 10:44:49 » #169750

Copying Translations from Danbooru:

(right to left)

First Panel:

Virgilia: Hello, my name is Virgilia. Today's the day I get even with that troublemaker Gaap. Even I, when I have to do it, will do it. Hohoho...

Second Panel:

Gaap: I wonder if there are any hot guys around...

Third Panel

Box on left: The classic skirt-flip

Fourth Panel:

Censor: Lia's tenderness

Sixth Panel:

Gaap in Lia's Imagination: Geez! I'm not embarrassed! Lia, you idiot!

Seventh Panel:

Gaap: Lia... You're awfully forward today! Could it be my birthday?

Virgilia: ...Huh?

~Free Space~

Thing at the bottom:

Panel 1:

Virgilia: You really need to wear underwear!

Gaap: I am wearing them... Didn't you see?

Panel 2:

Gaap: Look.

Panel 4:

Virgilia: You're not wearing any!!!

Gaap: Moron~

I love "not wearing any" jokes

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