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LittleLovableLoli commented at 2021-10-01 06:29:49 » #2654475

...this should be wholesome, but their empty eyeholes frighten me on a primal level...

10 Points Flag
Mayaaa~ commented at 2021-10-01 06:38:01 » #2654477

...the original wasn't supposed to be wholesome either tho.

13 Points Flag
LittleLovableLoli commented at 2021-10-03 12:24:48 » #2654906

...what thehell do you mean "original"? I am horrified at imagining this scene without the veneer of memes...

8 Points Flag
liamzakhaev commented at 2021-10-19 01:27:31 » #2658280

^blank room soup is a series of dark web videos where a man is supposedly, forced to eat soup made from his wife while being tormented by kidnappers wearing horrific black eyed mascot costumes.

6 Points Flag
Shirogawa commented at 2021-10-30 16:32:43 » #2660949

Nicely sums up crappy fast-food chains screwing over foreign markets and their cuisine.
If you travel abroad and refuse to eat what's local, you have no business traveling.

9 Points Flag
liamzakhaev commented at 2021-11-06 17:00:03 » #2662756

^Riiiight, because local food is the only reason to travel ever, period, no other possible reason, Nada.

5 Points Flag
Shirogawa commented at 2022-01-28 22:02:59 » #2684127

^ If you're traveling, let your taste buds travel too. Most people travel to do something new, not stick to the familiar. Riiiight?

4 Points Flag
fugginB34NS commented at 2022-08-05 03:04:49 » #2735473

^ Look, eat what you want, and travel where you want. it doesn't matter where you go or what you eat, as long as you like it. heck, you wouldn't force foreigners to eat a burger in America(honestly I wouldn't force anyone to eat what we have here).

Just as long as it's not your wife in a bowl of soup.

3 Points Flag