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Anonymous commented at 2009-12-07 21:53:18 » #171022


5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-14 01:51:27 » #176470

This is exactly what happened during Rebuild 2.0 and it was Awesome!

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2009-12-26 15:33:10 » #185895

Now THAT is my type of EVA! Gimme!

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-15 03:32:38 » #225278

egh...why is there bad anime mixed with good anime?i don't understand.even gainax said that evegallion sucked

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-04 00:43:40 » #266580

top half of image is epic

1 Points Flag
Morpholomew commented at 2010-05-13 05:35:47 » #300681

Funny thing? It could actually happen, since Gainax made both shows and Evas are /technically/ in some sense living beings too. Although they look more like Anti-Spirals than humans, admittably, who cares? If Gainax made a crossover movie or special or OVA, I'd watch it, even though I never finished NGE (mindfucking). XD

5 Points Flag
SleepingForest commented at 2010-08-25 21:27:36 » #414013

Anon 4, Evangelion didn't suck, the fans said it sucked because they didn't understand it, and Gainax was dissapointed in it because they didn't have the budget to do it right which is why most people think it sucks in the first place. But over the years it's gained a cult following and has gained enough popularity to warant 4 remake movies and this time they're doing it right. Does that sound like it sucks to you? Well not to me, Evangelion is my favorite anime of all time and I will defend it's honor with all my heart!

34 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-01-05 20:19:23 » #1239598

...Wait. Would that make the Antispirals a species who'd undergone Instrumentality?!

2 Points Flag
Bagmanson commented at 2013-07-12 20:58:31 » #1358690

The number of people saying NGE sucked is too damn high.

4 Points Flag