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Habini commented at 2021-12-16 18:10:10 » #2672538

Now that was fast...

9 Points Flag
LibertyGeek83 commented at 2021-12-17 20:23:26 » #2672878

So that what know what Tooru looks like, does this mean there's gonna be more lewds of her? I mean, there's some out there already, but at least now we don't have to use our imagination.

5 Points Flag
genericperson commented at 2021-12-17 22:32:43 » #2672902

PSA: if you're anime-only like me, DO NOT give in to your curiosity and look up her non-invisible appearance. you will be subjected to at least 1 huge spoiler. I will now drink a lot of alcohol and hope to forget it. just sit back and enjoy as her r34's start to ramp up

8 Points Flag
explosive_semen commented at 2021-12-26 03:13:36 » #2674953

^ This is the wrong place to post that one don't you think?

9 Points Flag