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Mast3r_Ch33f commented at 2010-01-07 01:36:08 » #195638

Nothing like a boom, right?

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-07 07:33:49 » #220863

fun fact, britain should have beat the american attempt to break the sound barrier by six months. Thankfully for yeager the british aircraft was canned due to government stupidity/political agreement with america. The computer would also be 30 years more advanced but yet again the british government interfered and made it top secret... the codebreakers wanted to continue computer research but they were stopped. It would take america, 30 years later, to pick up the ball and continue running.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-08 23:20:48 » #872550

"Thankfully for Yeager"? Bell ripped off Miles' M.52 design (historical fact that the British handed over all the data to the US, and got nothing in return), and robbed the world of the first true supersonic aircaft design, a jet powered one too. I'd hardly call that "Thankfully". And while the US "picked up the ball", without the UK, there would be no ball.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-09-08 23:26:28 » #872557

True. More thankful for Yeager was the fact the other X-1 pilots were dicks who wanted to extort money for attempting to break Mach 1 (Yeager personally commented on 'Slick' Goodlin). Yeager chose duty over money and made history as a result.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2015-02-18 19:54:15 » #1691004

I wonder how real life Yeager would respond to Strike Witches Yeager...

1 Points Flag
TheNeedForCoom commented at 2021-02-28 01:08:17 » #2595331

There's rumors he knew about it and "found it amusing", but there's no real evidence. Someone posted about the anime on his MySpace like 15 years ago, so chances are he at least knew about it to some degree.

1 Points Flag