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VirginGeek commented at 2022-01-25 05:36:52 » #2682981

This is part of their history now, what a based nation.

21 Points Flag
gulabjamuns commented at 2022-01-26 06:46:44 » #2683320

This is the country who's ancestry consists of Nero and Caligula. They had the Bacchanalia. They had gods like Jupiter and goddesses like Venus. They have statues up all over the country that show more nudity than Tifa or the guy in the video did. As far as images of the body, sex, or sexual perversion and/or depravity in their history goes this is nothing.

15 Points Flag
Tyranogre commented at 2022-01-28 08:54:53 » #2683943

Xiangling is like the Buzz Aldrin of this whole fiasco. She was right there alongside Tifa, but only Tifa and Neil Armstrong ever got any credit.

15 Points Flag
pugsaremydrugs commented at 2022-01-28 10:16:01 » #2683952

The history of the world is made by humans. We have accounts of farmhands having their first sexual encounters with animals. English soldiers created banners accusing the Earl of Essex of being a cuck (verbatim). Aristophanes plays are delightfully profane. King Someshvara III of the Western Chalukya Empire composed a book about eating lots and fucking women that's studied by historians because of how much it said about the culture of India at the time. Dante's Inferno is very obviously centered on a girl that he liked. Fuck, Machiavelli used to be a comedian before writing the Prince.
We as a species have always been degenerates.

10 Points Flag
Hymofyou2 commented at 2022-01-29 15:46:52 » #2684296

Top 15 moments in history. Number 15. Tifa gets railed in the Italian Senate.

15 Points Flag
fucktacular commented at 2022-01-30 08:28:53 » #2684495

This is one of the most confusing things I've ever seen. it's got me trying to laugh, cringe and fap at the same time.

9 Points Flag
Chris_Tom_and_64 commented at 2022-01-30 11:47:40 » #2684531

I never thought I'd find this here, of all places.

6 Points Flag
tyciol commented at 2022-01-31 00:43:37 » #2684717

so I believe the 2 video links for the full files in this here are...

gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6854118 for Tifa by JuicyNeko
gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=6732217 for Xiangling by Dragk

kind of disappointed at how generic it is, but as more fun loli animations would be they might cause too much drama whereas you'd be a prison hero if they jailed you for posting big-tiddy waifus like this

6 Points Flag
luigi-dude commented at 2022-01-31 17:15:17 » #2684891

Italia proving their culture superior. If it were the American or Canadian Senate I can only imagine the pornhub-tier cuckoldry they'd be watching.

10 Points Flag
goldenwalnut commented at 2022-02-01 10:35:40 » #2685077

such a beautiful moment, i hope this will be remembered for generations to come <3

11 Points Flag