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Anonymous commented at 2010-01-16 02:34:33 » #204104

why...why is china crying. i kinda want to take her hand... but this might be a trap... mmm

0 Points Flag
Hero222 commented at 2010-02-21 07:27:35 » #230626

imagine this: as Gensokyo was coming to an end by some unknown force, you stand up one last time. you think "i wont let it end here!" Just after you think that you run at the enemy for a final fight. the fight ends with you dealing a final blow, upon defeat Gensokyo gets engulfed in bright light. The bright light disappears and everyone looks on, Gensokyo is restored...but what happened to you? all of Gensokyo decide to look for you, and they searched for hours. nightfall and no one has found you yet, until Hong Meiling yells "i found him!" you wake up slowly to see a face full of tears, but not tears of sadness but tears of joy. everyone gathers to help you. China holds her hand out to help you up, "thank you, we will help you now" she says as you fall asleep in her arms.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-04-12 22:21:20 » #274126

Interesting interpretation, did you just come up with that?

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-06-06 19:15:46 » #324998

you smoke a lot


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Anonymous commented at 2011-07-14 00:38:22 » #810523

Holding an iron pipe with a crying face.
" I brought you a smile "
Urara Urara Ura

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