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Endless8 commented at 2022-02-13 12:59:46 » #2688293

LOL, since the Rushia/Mafumafu controversy started i've seen multiple lewd Rushia art in here. Sort of like throwing salt in the wound of those cringy (now former) Rushia fans. These people posted cringy Tweets on Twitter and even go as far as re-selling her merch. But I doubt many of these people even come here. The fact is she does get a lot of dick whether they like it or not.

13 Points Flag
Cierne commented at 2022-02-14 05:22:37 » #2688525

What's even funnier is that nearly every vtuber likely has a partner and the meltdowns all of these incels would have if that thought clicked into their heads.

8 Points Flag