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Rikko-43 commented at 2010-02-15 00:56:46 » #225189

vampires in any series (gay glitter skinned ones to kick ass CV ones) all hate sun in some way, whether it be death(the usual kind), ...glitter(the stupid kind id throw into a pit of garlic encrusted, holy water soaked, cross shaped stakes) or weakening overall but no immediate death. (the kind I like)

but thref, dont let it bite you if it is gonna be your (or at least one of) familiars, id suggest storing some of your blood in a sealed vial/container (to keep it fresher) as payment for its service

2 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2010-02-15 06:30:06 » #225366

No Rikko, it defeats the purpose of getting bitten by the Vamp cause the only way you can attain the incubus attribution is by getting bitten. Giving them blood in the jar isn't as fun and doesn't accomplish anything since the service requires getting bitten for both of you to get a rush and also to give the 'victim' more sexual stamina(or something like that) up to the point of becoming an incubus, Or better, just having a significant attribute to that of one.

I guess I have to tell you another part that isn't directly mentioned here.

When a Vamp chooses a mate Or wants to transform their 'victim' into a Vamp, they lick the 'victims' freshly bitten area before departing. Their saliva in this way they apply it to the open wound they created while sucking blood from their 'victim' is what causes the 'victims' to transform into Vampires themselves. Biting and drawing blood the way Vamps do normally doesn't transform you into a Vampire, If anything with prolonged/repeated exposure/encounters will cause you to turn into an incubus over time so just don't spend too much time with them or be bitten by them often unless you wish for that to happen. Set limits & moderation and you should be O.K.

The goal with them here(at least for me), is to allow them to draw your blood/spiritual energy from you gradually over stretched out somewhat infrequent periods of time to the point where just the right amount of incubus abilities is acquired without becoming dependent or a whole incubus.

Giving advise on Mamono Girls to the one that gives sound advise to others about Mamono Girls?
Your motives are noted, though do keep in mind that I probably already know these types of cautionary things unless I request input otherwise, which is rare in my case.

As it pertains to this Mamono Girl, It is fairly safe to engage them given the descriptions noted(No Sex, just some senses of exhilaration/fun from getting bitten and a little blood/spirit loss with tiny puncture wounds) and other safeguards that I constantly employ to protect myself of dangerous possibilities.

Also(Irrelevant to this image), looky what 'I' found here:
Been looking for one for a while now.

3 Points Flag
Rikko-43 commented at 2010-02-15 14:18:36 » #225535

oh...in that case...have fun bien an incubus then...

and nice picture ill go comment on it now

1 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2010-02-15 23:16:47 » #225939

It's not a whole Incubus entity I'm after, just want to get into a close enough controllable range of effect of one.

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-16 04:10:50 » #226148

And who here can tell me how to get close to one? Cause I can think of a method...

Blood is an aphrodesiac, and Blood is an intoxicant; simply eat a lot of garlic and it'll wind up coursing through your system. With her sensibilities impaired immediately after feeding, you'll be able to get the jump on her, and with her diminished state of mind, easily impress her.

Even if her memory's fuzzy when she wakes up from it, she'll probably trust you a little, and if you tell her what happened to a reasonable extent of the truth, chances are you'll win her affection. Though I doubt there's a way to come out of it well without becoming an Incubus at some point if you stay with her.

2 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2010-02-16 10:45:17 » #226302

Yeah, I'm not to sure that that last portion is translated accurately to interpretations; the use of the term virtually drunk is what I am looking at here.

It doesn't mean drunk as in tipsy, otherwise it would say tipsy. Drunk used here is as in, disoriented & woozily weak.
It means drunk as in violently drunk as reinforced in the final statement saying that they will act like regular succubi if exposed too much to it, & succubi have malicious intentions so that isn't always a good thing.

They would tend to avoid garlic so if you reek of it, they hence would avoid you; you kinda have to spring it on them in dust or other concealed form so that they aren't aware of it's presence and take action to avoid coming in contact with it.

That plan Might work, if it weren't for the fact that they are classy & demand a certain level of eloquence from their 'guests'; they are a bit stuck up like elves so you would have to prove yourself worthy of their attention/consideration.
They would have to be initially impressed by your status/appearance in order for them to be interested in you at all.

They aren't fluzzies(they aren't, easy) so those last statements don't really apply(under the delusion of Hentai cliches, where all girls are weak/easy and give in without putting up a reasonable fight at all and will always forgive you after raeping them, it would apply but that is not necessarily the case here since the element of class & vampires with a thirst for blood is introduced in the equation). If anything they will be P.O.d and if your still around when they awake, it might not end well for you.

You only become an incubus if you can't control your exposer time with them; if you become obsessed/addicted to them and can't restrain yourself from ever seeing them again. That said, most encounters aren't controlled in that aspect so most guys would probably end up that way, not all though.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-02-20 10:21:14 » #229647

thref you need to shut your mouth lol. i mean seriously you talk way too much.

2 Points Flag
Thref commented at 2010-02-20 22:58:15 » #230320

To Anon Post #229647:

I know you want a friend to talk to; I'm just not it. But there are other more effective ways to go about it. From now on, I'll just have to report you until(If ever) you get the message, since unsuccessful troll will remain unsuccessful it seems.

3 Points Flag
EricFong commented at 2010-03-05 02:56:53 » #254248

Anon 229647, yeah, sometime i alway skipped his text of wall XD, but it is enjoyable to read.

3 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-12 14:11:17 » #300027

rationality just goes out the window, rofl

for ONCE, can I have sex with a demon girl and NOT get turned into a fucking incubi?

I'd much rather try to seduce my vampire mistress dressed as a human butler, that would make for some kinky sex

1 Points Flag