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LittleLovableLoli commented at 2022-07-22 18:35:27 » #2731120

"With their power they could be anything and yet they choose to be us!"

Strangely, that one line is making me question the concepts of divinity and godhood. Like, a thought I've had before is 'what if we weren't *literally* made in God's image and it were more abstract or metaphorical than that? If so, what would the implications of that be?"

Let's just put aside the various atrocities committed in the Old Testament for a moment and consider the given information that God loved humankind more than even his seemingly far superior angels -this being the entire reason why Lucifer fell and became the Beast that tempts man with sin. The question here, then, is 'why'? What makes humans so special, assuming that a higher power did create existence? What qualities would we possess that none other do? Again, with being made in God's image -does God possess the form of a human? I know that some angels can take on the forms of men and women, with or without wings. Surely this isn't the same, though, as being made in His image, right? Sure, the higher Choirs play host to some truly kooky entities like spinning rings with eyeballs and yada yada (we all heard that shit by now) ...but the lower classes of angels and the Archangels are often described as taking on the forms of humans.

I can only go back to the idea that it's not from an aesthetic or anatomical standpoint, but something less physical in nature, perhaps spiritual. Who knows. I certainly don't -but I think on it from time to time.

14 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2022-07-22 18:52:41 » #2731125

Either man is arrogant because he was made in the image of the gods, or the gods are arrogant because man made them so in his image.

That's all I really have.

8 Points Flag
LivingCorpse commented at 2022-07-22 18:53:47 » #2731126

But I do find Kinkymation's take to be wholesome instead of cynical, and I welcome it. From a p0rn parody of all things.

4 Points Flag
LittleLovableLoli commented at 2022-08-09 19:34:12 » #2736957

Sometimes, it's nice to just have something fluffy and wholesome. I, too, welcome this.

Strange how some of the most memorable/thought-provoking/heart-pulling -or in this case, fuzzy stuff comes from porn. Anywho, you take care, stranger!

6 Points Flag