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hentaixhentai commented at 2022-07-21 08:02:58 » #2730672



アデリナ:ええ。ついに完成ね。まあ、少し小さいけれど キミの実力ではこれくらいでしよ。



















アデリナ:はあ〜 ・・・・・・なかなか面倒ね。じゃあ、どうすればいいの? 一度死んで蘇ってみる?


アデリナ:できるわよ。というか、厳密には 死なないのだけし一度死んで見せないと、奇術か何かと思われそうでしよ。



アデリナ:私が痛い目に遭うのが そんなに良い案なの?

司祭:い、いえ! 決してそのような意味では一一!


司祭:や、やはり、私にしていただいたように 何か、その者にとって、ご利益を頂けないと・・・・・・。


司祭:さぁ・・・・・・。それは実際に会って 直接聞いてみてはいかがでしょう?


だが、この時のアデリナは どのようなご利益を与えることになるのか 検討もついていなかったのである。

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hentaixhentai commented at 2022-07-21 08:03:27 » #2730673


Episode 2
Having participated several times in quests issued by the guild, Adelina won the trust of one man in it and made him a priest.

Priest: Lady Adelina... Congratulations. The shrine is finally complete.

Adelina: Indeed. We finally did it. Well, it's a bit small, but this seems about right given your abilities.

Priest: I'm so sorry... We didn't get as many donations as I'd hoped...

Adelina: I told you to stop sniveling about it. I don't like a man who just apologizes. If you have the time to apologize, you have the time to think of solutions.

Priest: I'm so...I mean, understood.

Adelina sighed at the priest, who continued to make mistakes.

Adelina: (I expected better from him. Can I really depend on him?)

Although she realized that everyone is different in their own way, she couldn't help but compare the priest to the ones from the old world.

Adelina: (Does he get it? I have high hopes for him. I believe he has enough power to support me.)

Yet Adelina never spoke her true feelings.

After all, she had seen many deities who got too grandiose with their tone, only to destroy themselves.

Adelina: (I don't keep my feelings in cause I'm shy......I swear, I'm not.)

Even though no one could hear her, Adelina found herself making excuses internally.

Adelina: ......even so. The donations is one thing, but the real problem is not getting enough followers.

Adelina: We'll never be able to fight with the gods of this world without them. Just what do you intend to do?

Priest: Well......they aren't used to living gods in this world.

Priest: Putting your faith in someone you can actually see and touch seems a bit hard to them...

Adelina: But I've worked plenty of miracles, haven't I? They still don't believe in me?

Priest: That is true, but those unfamiliar with magic can't tell the difference between magic and miracles......

Adelina: I see... That explains why our followers are mostly people familiar with magic...

Adelina: Oof......what a hassle. So what should I do? Die and then revive myself to prove it?

Priest: You mean...can you do that?

Adelina: Sure. Strictly speaking, I don't die, but if you don't make it look believable, they'll just think it's a trick.

Adelina: But...no, we can't. Even if it's just an act, it's painful.

Priest: I see...... I thought it was a pretty good idea, though.

Adelina: So you think me being in pain is such a good idea?

Priest: No, I mean...! That's not what I meant!

Adelina: Hmph. Quit your excuses. Think of a solution, fast!

Priest: Well, what about...the way you did with me? Conferring some boon to the person......

Adelina: A boon, you say......? Is there someone who wants something in particular?

Priest: I don't know... Why not meet and ask them in person?

Adelina: I got it. I guess we have no choice. I'll meet them. Tell them I'll make all their dreams come true.

At this time, Adelina still didn't have the wildest idea of what "benefits" she would go on to give them.

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