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Anonymous commented at 2010-05-06 17:09:16 » #295011

if that chick stumbled onto my doorstep wounded and near death and i helped her and i treated her wounds and healed her over a period of a month or so and at the end of it she said she has to behead me because laying eyes on her is a federal crime punishable by death due to the fact shes a top secret highly classified weapon of war... id say... "well, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. thank you for gracing me with your company" cause she is SMOKIN! lol wouldnt mind gettin my head chopped off after havin sumone stumble on my doorstep that good lookin... ahhh... i could die right then and there :D

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-01-16 12:35:59 » #583570

that's nice and all but I'm sure nobody gives two damns or a fuck.

28 Points Flag