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Maki commented at 2010-04-16 17:53:10 » #277308

Taka Tony, or Tony Taka if you prefer, makes it extremely difficult to respond to his images. The sheer quality of the drawing, as well as the amazingly detailed content distract so much that I, personally, tend to just stare and gape for some time before realizing I have spent minutes doing nothing.

Tony's artwork belongs in an art museum and on every person's wall, even the more risque artwork, as they convey emotions rarely seen in this area of art. There's a real offer to get in the heads of his subjects and imagine the surroundings they're in, the reasons they're depicted as such, the follow-up on the image shown.

I personally can't get enough of this artist's work. And I'm sorry to say I get too distracted to favorite each and every last one of his images on this site, but I would if I could focus more on the act and less on these gorgeous images.

I am sorry, Taka-sama, for daring to pass judgement on your work when it's more gorgeous than I can explain in words alone.

5 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2012-06-05 05:32:11 » #1085800

Agreedo. Taka Tony's art is gorgeous even when it's not pornographic. He is a treasure.

1 Points Flag