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CunnyLover commented at 2022-08-18 15:19:39 » #2739869

woah, i now really want a personal miku cosplayer. not to have sex with but to like, just look at and make me happy. and to maybe have sex with, idrk.

74 Points Flag
idotplayer12 commented at 2022-09-02 21:58:26 » #2745294

I don't know what to do. But all want. Is to be genuinely happy. I have gone down this path for 7 years.

55 Points Flag
danes18 commented at 2022-09-23 08:03:49 » #2751718

The world is a cruel and unfair place, that I can't have a cosplay gf.

23 Points Flag
Cubone44 commented at 2022-12-02 07:44:19 » #2767471

Heya realistically if finding a partner is really a goal just break tasks into two categories, social tasks and aesthetic tasks.

Social tasks (If you don't meet people you won't meet people)
1. This is the crux of all this. Do/go someplace where you see the same people constantly like taking a fun class in something your interested, volunteering for a cause you care about, niche gyms like climbing/crossfit, table top gaming groups, local government meetings/assemblies. As long as your seeing the same group of people over and over you will make friends eventually. However, even if your just looking for a partner its important to make both male and female friends. (The most important part in all this is to make sure your picking activities you consider enjoyable. It is a discoursing waste of willpower to slog through a 5 week photography course or reading group if you do not enjoy to the content. People who aren't having fun usually aren't that fun to be around.)
2. Use those the events you frequent to take better photos and improve your social media and dating profiles. (Lots of women use your social media to vet you. They more or less are just looking to see if you [A. Have friends] and [B. Do things besides go to work and go home].
Bonus. Since you have more friends you will most likely be invited out more to parties and events. Giving further chances to meet people.

Aesthetic (Unless a guy is extraordinarily wealthy or famous most people have partners that are roughly as attractive as they are. It's not shallow to want an attractive partner. However, if you are not okay dating your female equivalent then you need to put the work in.)
In order form quickest to fix to longest to fix.
1. Hair care. Might be a haircut or just simply just not shampooing your hair every day. Find someone on youtube with similar hair texture who makes hair content and follow their advice.
2. Skin care routine. Honestly just a good face-wash and sun-blocking lotion is a great place to start!
3. Clothing just go with well fitting basics at first. Style takes a while to develop but a few staple pieces that fit well go a long way.
4. Teeth. Costly but get them as straight and white as possible. Those crest white strips from every grocery store really do work.
5. Exercise consistently. If you have never lifted before Stronglifts 5x5 is a great place to start and build motivation. stronglifts.com

TLDR 1: Maybe the "personal miku cosplayer. not to have sex with but to like, just look at and make me happy. and to maybe have sex with, idrk." was the friends we made along the way the entire time.
TLDR 2: I don't know boys go outside.

68 Points Flag
crosslifter03 commented at 2024-02-25 00:18:12 » #2869286

Cubone44 is right. I read his comment about a year ago, and I started lifting because of it. I started to dress nicer, go out more, and meet new people. I even got asked out by a girl who I had a crush on for a while last week. I'm not a bodybuilder by any means, but I've been complimented many times on my progress and physique, and my confidence has improved. This is going to sound a bit cheesy, but to whoever needs to hear this right now, self-improvement is a very viable thing, and it has real results if you put in the work. My advice is to start small and, more importantly, stay consistent while slowly adding more challenging things to build confidence. If you put in the work, I promise that you'll see results, even if it takes some time.

19 Points Flag
Cubone44 commented at 2024-02-27 19:51:48 » #2870244

To be 100% honest about 4 months ago I completely fell off the wagon. I was having some serious family issues. First, I stopped going to the gym, soon after I stopped eating regularly, then my sleep schedule went to shit, followed by social seclusion. Depression made me stop taking care of myself in every facet of life. I dropped from 190lbs to 155lbs. Seeing crosslifter03 comment made me hit the gym today... It's not much but I found I can still bench at least a plate and squat two... thank you. I strongly hope things continue going well for you man.

19 Points Flag