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JewishWaifu commented at 2022-09-02 23:19:25 » #2745316

Dont get why everyone's obsessed with portraying this character as trans when english is the only language they use "she".

35 Points Flag
Phrike commented at 2022-09-02 23:28:19 » #2745317

Too much free time.

21 Points Flag
Nyaantucket commented at 2022-09-03 14:14:28 » #2745586

She says ウチは女の子です ("I am a girl") in Japanese.

44 Points Flag
SintSuke commented at 2022-09-04 03:25:36 » #2745796

Well it is from Twitter, so that alone makes you realize it's from Tumblr.

11 Points Flag
Firepistol95 commented at 2022-09-04 23:52:03 » #2746039

@Nyanntucket Plenty of ppl from the Otokonoko community do proclaim "I am girl" often enough when dressing up to represent as a woman, but they still continue to identify as a man. (I partake in tht community's content off and on for the past 3 yrs, both sfw and nsfw.)

So still not good enough evidence as such.

23 Points Flag
WelcomeToTheCoomZone commented at 2022-09-05 16:25:52 » #2746309

@Waifu Apparently it's also "I am a girl" in JP. Could be wrong, but not that it matters. This character's writing was butchered and that's a shame. Trannies are literally going "WOW, LITERALLY ME!! Bridget is THE trans icon!!!", meanwhile Bridget was abused throughout his entire childhood by his parents and forced into something he never wanted and felt comfortable with. On his journey to prove the old superstition wrong he was constantly misgendered for a girl (makes sense with him still appearing more feminine, whatever the reasoning for that is) and he didn't like that, having to correctly people constantly. Poor guy was groomed into being a girl and after years upon years of abuse and neglect he snapped and just went with it.

The difference btw being, before some idiot "corrects" me, is that this was forced upon him, without his request. He never asked to be called a girl. It's not like he wanted to be called a girl and his parents refused to accept him, how it plays out IRL 95% of the time, for good reason, RL isn't an anime.

32 Points Flag
WelcomeToTheCoomZone commented at 2022-09-05 16:28:51 » #2746311

or felt*


(one day the mods will implement a feature to edit comments)

2 Points Flag
Firepistol95 commented at 2022-09-06 01:09:55 » #2746419

I find it amusing people who scream "-phobe" around the topic of Bridget. Wonder if they realize a sizeable part of the community are against this as well?
Does get tiring when the ones who want "inclusivity/representation" are often the -ists/-phobes themselves.
If you're in the same community as them but don't agree with them on these topics? Ur a traitor (with multiple diff slurs used that mean as such), a "me too" trying to get the benefits or even "oh u were never really one of us."

I'm all for GOOD representation, but jfc do people really want such a character who re-enforces all the bad stereotypes surrounding the community???

And what I said earlier, if people can find good solid evidence that isn't used by the otkonoko community on dialogue or symbolism, then go ahead. But this debate will never end till the next entry. If Bridget STILL says "I'm a guy", then all of this would have been a waste of energy.
And all the "bad faith" supporters of the community just made trans people look worse with, "cultural colonization"

16 Points Flag
WelcomeToTheCoomZone commented at 2022-09-07 04:46:37 » #2746775

I keep checking back once a day and honestly, this comment section is funny, lmao. My OG comment was flagged, then it was unflagged and stayed as is. Other comment of mine was flagged too, alongside a few other random comments from other people. Now my OG comment's flagged again.

That's the people that want to bring happiness to others and the world. Constant crying and bitching via reporting others' posts no matter the contents, as long as the post could be interpreted as critical. Meanwhile the same people, as you can see on page 1, will wish death upon others, right after calling those other people out for "being meanies" and not letting people enjoy things.

Want me to discuss the actual artwork? Fine. It's pretty meh. While the linework is fine and looks good, the whole LGTVBBQ color scheme just sucks. Could be any colors really, it would still suck. If you're only working with 3-4 colors and the whole picture is a mess of them it simply won't look good.

10 Points Flag
Firepistol95 commented at 2022-09-09 15:20:41 » #2747607


My final thing on the matter. Forgot to clarify this earlier.

But never trust direct translations of Japanese text and localizations sometimes lose nuance in the translation process.
The honorifics used in Japanese when Bridget says "I am a girl" is masculine. Clarifying that Bridget still identifies himself as a man, despite saying it.
In a easier way to understand, think of for androgynous characters or traps in general who are known to play loosely with genders.
If they say "I am a boy" or "girl", then that is a gender role they play with loosely. So think of it as a cosplay.
If they say "I am a woman" or "man", then that is their actual identity of their gender.
When referring to direct translations or localizations.

So if the English localization had him say "I am a woman", then it 100% would have confirmed Bridget is trans.
English doesn't have this cultural language quirk so that nuance ends up lost in the process often enough, sadly.
And for them to clarify it they would have to pretty much COMPLETELY rewrite the dialogue.

Like the ending song for Spy x Family when translated is called, "Comedy". But that term means something completely different in Japan compared to the West.
So a more accurate translation would have been "Farce".

8 Points Flag