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Anonymous commented at 2010-04-20 21:27:49 » #280973

if i could actually read thoese i would be proud? but at least it has been organized thank you.

5 Points Flag
Valorbrett commented at 2010-06-20 11:21:11 » #339150

>Rockman X Mobile

I don't know how the fuck the phones of today could play that

my phone sure as fuck couldn't, and I can't see how the balls you would dash jump and let alone avoid damage or jump over a pit of spikes with a phone pad.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-07 21:34:13 » #357648

god i LOVED half of these games the other half.......i wish i owned D=
my personal favorit mavric hunter x it was the 1st game i ever got 4 my psp

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-07 21:44:29 » #357659

this pic needs 2 be remade....theres no megaman 10 (dlc)
also i hered theres ganna be a new megaman game being made called megaman DECONSTRUCTED the story line is basicly megaman....as a mass murdurer he hunts down his victoms (aka dr.willy and the 8 robot masters) Murdures them teres off there limbs and weres the body parts as clothing and thats how megeman steels there powers so its a bloody gorey remake of megaman and buy the end of the game with all those diffrent body parts on his body.......hell come out looking like a freak sounds like nothing like the megaman i know and love but thenagen if there ganna remake a popular game series might ass well change it up and make megaman the bad guy.

4 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-07-18 22:47:42 » #370043

LolAnon3, you may also want to change things up by writing in non-mangled English like everyone else, and posting thinhs that make sense, while you're at it.

Even going along with your crack (or whatever the fuck you were smoking)- fueled crap, there are a few fatal flaws. First, that's a radical departure from the concept of the meta-series. If that happened, Mario would spend hia next game trying to rape Peach, Sonic would be fond of a different kind of speed, Link would take over Hyrule, and Master Chief would be out to destroy humanity, starting by raping all members of the neighbooring units with the highest-powered projectile/beam weapon he could get his hands on. Pleasant, I know. Honestly...Second, wtf would killing Dr. Wily get you? He's a fuckimg human, no special powers. The only thing Mega would gain would be a weird-ass hair, eyebrow and moustache combo. Third, why the hell would they remake Megaman1, unless they were either putting it on WiiWare or something, or just adding modern graphics?There is a reason Megaman 9 and 10 are both in the same style as MM1.......Classic-atyle sells.

5 Points Flag
pixelsifter commented at 2010-08-14 05:24:22 » #400826

megaman x4 was fun, although there were some srsly awesome weapons for zero, in the demo, which i couldn't get for some reason. had 2 z-sabres, and a "huge ass lazah"

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