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Anonymous commented at 2010-08-23 15:28:41 » #411231

That's a lot of bodies!
And kittens.
And rainbows.
And... rubies?
And some dust...
What is this phenomenal phenomenon?

*Looks at screen.*

Huh? Its scrolled all the way down. What is all of this? Death? Seizures? Twisted personalities? Perversion? What the heck?

*Scrolls up.*

Awww... That's so cute. It's so adorable! This pink-haired little girl. I could watch this all da-*Head Bursts, spraying mini-Yui's all over the dead bodies, then falls over the bodies.*

3 Points Flag
ChrisRedfield commented at 2010-09-05 01:01:14 » #425978

--------Mission 1----------

Objective 1. Destroy Evil Entity of Cuteness

Objective 2. Collect Kittens in Knapsack(that's right I said knapsack )

Objective 3. Collect Rubies and sell on black market

Objective 4. Gather any remaining valuables

Finally you are to signal your evac via red signal flare
---------------------------------------End Briefing

Thirteen hours into mission

*radio clicks on *
Commander:have who finished you misison solider

Sargent:Sir Yes Sir The Extraction Team is on its way

Commander:Good you saved a lot of people from having to see that things cuteness

Sargent:Thank You Si... Sir hold on there's something moving by those bodies *reading his m4a1 loading another grenade into the launcher* Sir it's nothing it looks like a chain of some sort

Commander:Solider I suggest you make your way out of the area now there may be more of them

Sargent:Roger on my way back to the LZ

Half an hour passes waiting for the evac

Sargent:Come in HQ can you read me over

HQ:R... Y.. ..ud .n. ..e.r. o.er

Sargent: I say again HQ do you read me over

HQ:............................NO RESPONSE


Sargent: What the hell no it can't be TAKE THIS AAAARRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

*empting mag after mag into this unholy abomination it stops then*


Sargent:What Thats From Behind me now NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Orignal Yui: YUi-NYAN


2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-11 01:19:23 » #432943

rating: SAFE!?!??! how the hell is this suppose to be safe!!!!! look at the pile of dead bodies around yu- HHHNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG*dies with rainbows flowng out of eyes*

5 Points Flag
ChrisRedfield commented at 2010-09-22 14:41:00 » #446047

Mr. president its time to go sir

Not now a friend sent me this live video broadcast of some war

Mr. president we must leave now before that thing shows up its already killed thousands with its cuteness

all i see is an empty town with a mountain of rubble in the middle

sir those are bodies

ohhhh damn we should go then wait whats that coming towards the camera




sir... SIR...
Damn its an epidemic launch the anti-cuteness nuke now

yes general t-minus 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

*launch sounds*

missile launch successful

target destroyed

get me a sat. over there i want to be sure its dead

nothing on screen sir just a crater


who the fucks here private get the door

yes sir




ARGH!!! *computers explode and monitors fall killing hundreds of army personal* no one survives the attack

with one final plan failed the United States has fallen


2 Points Flag
jedi1357 commented at 2010-09-22 14:56:09 » #446062

Yui are already dead...nyan♥

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-16 00:10:07 » #546693

*had his dick out*
*Frozen by the cuteness*
GASP! Nooooooooo.....
Never finished the rotation

2 Points Flag
YourLocalCrackhead commented at 2011-02-15 11:25:36 » #621083

[With his dying breath, he writes the "goddammit too fucking cute" tag in his own blood to keep others away.]

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-02-28 21:22:03 » #637275

I can't think of anything clever. let's just say I died happy

0 Points Flag
midended commented at 2011-03-02 09:25:47 » #639077

what if those comments above were done by the same person?!

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2011-05-02 23:35:37 » #718015

though only a mere 35-40 people has commented and died... there were those few....No, many souls who died before even getting a chance to say their final prayers or wishes and wasn't able tto leave a comment or a warning.... sadly right now i and covering my nose to try and stop the bleeding.... but there is just to much.... i think this is it for me.... im sorry.... *dies*

3 Points Flag