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Anonymous commented at 2010-05-03 16:33:45 » #292338

XD..... wait i don't like gaga D:<

49 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-05-04 16:24:49 » #293311

I don't get it. Is this even a joke?

4 Points Flag
SyncSeduction commented at 2010-05-18 20:56:48 » #305945

I always pictured this when people called me. xD Win.

10 Points Flag
PokeNerd121 commented at 2010-12-10 01:44:12 » #538959

@Anon2 It's a Yu-gi-oh the Abridged Series joke the name "Joey" in the Poke Gear should've been a goddamn give away if you've ever seen Yu-gi-oh Abridged by Little Kuriboh the joke in particular is the AMV "Brooklyn Rage" by Little Kuriboh

2 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-17 17:39:26 » #548682


For a self proclaimed "Pokénerd", you don't seem to know of one of the most infamous characters in the series, Joey. A trainer from one of the early routes in Gold/Silver/Crystal (and the later remakes) who constantly calls you on the pokégear. Always. All the time. He never stops...

22 Points Flag
miko-chan commented at 2011-02-02 01:06:56 » #604776

@anon 3
lol XD he never stops...
i would be mad O _ O

3 Points Flag
Tyulyen commented at 2011-02-15 18:15:45 » #621547

Joey's number was always the first one I'd get rid of in the original games and the only one (so far) in HG. How that kid drove me crazy, always telling me about how his rattata and how it's "in the top percentage of rattata" and he made the point of saying that every single time. I'd like to battle him again, just so I can beat him with a level 100 rattata.

Funny thing is I have a cousin with the same name, in the same age group, and best of all he's even more annoying.

8 Points Flag