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TwistedMind commented at 2010-11-25 03:04:48 » #519762

Oh, hi. Sorry, I hope I didn't surprise you. I don't mean to get in your way or anything. Just keep doing what your doing and don't mind me... Whatchya workin' on up there anyway? Is it math? Or science? Am I talking too much? You're just giving me that stare like I'm embarrassing you or something... I get it, we're in the library, I probably need to lower my voice or just stop talking.
Okay, here's the deal. You go back to what you're doing and I'll go back to what I'm doing, and we'll both just mind our own business, okay?
...I noticed you're wearing one of them gel bras. You drink 1% milk don't ya? You should try drinking whole milk. It might get you better results up in this region...

31 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2013-05-06 15:30:47 » #1315864

^sou just won the internet

7 Points Flag