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Anonymous commented at 2010-06-03 17:15:52 » #321885

Cool picture but how does Combusken go from being a teen to Blaziken being an old dude?

3 Points Flag
cavad commented at 2010-06-04 00:59:59 » #322393

the hair color changing and the hair style i guess

1 Points Flag
Cocoa_Puff commented at 2010-06-09 19:29:19 » #328110

That explains that but does it explain the sudden sex change from Torchic to Combusken?

3 Points Flag
diediedie765 commented at 2010-07-04 15:42:38 » #354080

Hey, could still be a girl. Albeit, a very man-like girl with no tits, but I don't see YOU checking their genitals.

2 Points Flag
Deko commented at 2010-07-29 06:36:27 » #382365

or...just the fact that torchic is female and combusken and blaziken are male .-."

2 Points Flag
Kitty-chan_Sarah commented at 2010-07-30 06:34:01 » #383570

Who says that this is the evolution.
Could be three different pokemon, not one and the same, right?
Male Torchic and female combusken and blaziken are probably much different.

1 Points Flag
Deko commented at 2010-07-31 19:15:49 » #385092

Dunno if you are agreeding with me or not kitty...but...I just think it's just a female torchi and a male Combusken and Blaziken...also..I found here a Hot Female Moemon Blaziken...
that's just make me think that this one is a male Blaziken..also...How the hell a Old woman would look like a man...I mean....that would be ugly

0 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-09-28 16:10:14 » #453279

Anon1, Well, I guess it's meant to symbolise the fact that being a Torchic, it is just discovering it's power; as a Combusken it represents an energetic although relatively inexperienced teenager; whereas being a Blaziken it represents the wise, yet extremely powerful and mature personality it has and develops well into its late life.

1 Points Flag
Anonymous commented at 2010-12-23 16:42:19 » #556313

Okay you guys are retards it just three different people meant to represent the different forms of torchic

Torchic is the little girl
Combustion is the Teen age boy
Blaziken is the old man

They are not the same person they are just all in the picture doing epic poses...Jeez

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